Services available at ELHT
We offer a large number of acute and community based services. Please use our search facility or A-Z list to locate information on the service you are looking for.
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Services starting with A
Acute Medical Unit (AMU)
Patients are sent to the AMU from the Emergency Department for additional tests and treatment following the decision that they will need to be admitted.
Adult Audiology (Hearing and Vestibular)
This well established department operating from modern, high quality facilities provides hearing and balance care for the local population. We provide services for testing your hearing and fitting digital hearing aids, including aural rehabilitation where appropriate.
Alcohol Care
The Alcohol Care Team provides support to inpatients at ELHT admitted due to alcohol-related issues or harm, and inpatients at ELHT that have been identified as someone that would benefit from support.
Ambulatory Emergency Care Unit
The unit accommodates patients that are able to walk and have not been assessed as being at any risk of harm. The patients in the department will have on-going clinical supervision and will receive relevant treatment to help them return home more quickly.
Audiology (Paediatric)
The Paediatric Audiology Service is delivered by a team of professionals with specialist training in assessing hearing and managing hearing loss in children. The service also has a newborn hearing screening team which screens babies at birth for hearing loss.
Services starting with B
Bereavement Care
The End of Life and Bereavement Team offers support to the relatives and friends of people who have died in hospital. We wish to offer our sincere sympathy to you, your family and friends in your bereavement.
Bladder and Bowel Service
Formerly called the Continence Service, The Bladder and Bowel Service provides a specialist nursing assessment, treatment and management service for those individuals experiencing bladder and bowel incontinence and chronic bladder and bowel conditions from the age of 4 years old.
Bowel Cancer Screening
Screening means looking for early signs of a disease in healthy people who do not have symptoms. Bowel cancer screening aims to detect bowel cancer at an early stage when treatment is more likely to work.
Breast Imaging (Screening) Service
Provide Breast Imaging for both the National Breast Screening Programme and the Symptomatic Breast Service
Breast Services
East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust has an established Breast Service. There are four consultant surgeons, three consultant radiologists and a consultant mammographer who are all specialists in breast diseases.
Breast Surgery/Treatments
A list of the breast surgery and treatments that we provide
Services starting with C
Call for Concern
If you are concerned about a noticeable change or deterioration in a patient’s condition, this helpline will provide support
Cancer Services
The Trust’s Cancer Service delivers cancer care, including out-patient clinics, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up services across all tumour sites.
Cardiac Rehabilitation Service
The overall aim of the cardiac rehabilitation service is to provide all patients who fulfill the referral criteria with a patient-centred service which optimises their health and well-being and minimises the risk of recurrent cardiac events.
The Cardiology Department provides a comprehensive cardiac service treating all aspects of adult acute and chronic heart disease. Cardiology is a branch of medicine which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases. Cardiology includes diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease and electrophysiology.
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (CPET) – Patient Information
What is a cardiopulmonary exercise test?
Chaplaincy (Spiritual Care Centre)
The Chaplains are available to speak with you whether you are a person of faith or not. The hopes and fears, worries and aspirations of every human person means each individual has spiritual and pastoral needs. Sometimes it helps to have someone alongside to think things through - someone with the time to listen.
Chemotherapy Unit Blackburn (Bluebell Unit)
The Chemotherapy Unit at Royal Blackburn Hospital provides treatment for both oncology and haematology patients, who live within the East Lancashire area.
Chemotherapy Unit Burnley (Primrose Unit)
The Chemotherapy Unit at Burnley General Teaching Hospital provides treatment for both oncology and haematology patients, who live within the East Lancashire area.
Chest Clinic
Children and Young People's Services
The Children and Young People's Team provide a family centred service, meeting the health care needs of children, young people and their families both in the hospital and within the community.
Clinical Laboratory Medicine (Pathology)
There are three main disciplines within Clinical Laboratory Medicine (Pathology). 1) Blood Sciences - which has sections covering Biochemistry, Haematology and Blood Transfusion. 2) Microbiology - the study of disease causing micro-organisms – bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. 3) Cellular Pathology - which has sections covering Histology, Cytology and Andrology.
Clinical Outpatients
Our six outpatient departments provide facilities to accommodate patients who are attending for initial consultations and follow-on care or undergoing diagnostic, therapeutic and minor surgical procedures
Colonoscopy is one of the numerous investigative procedures carried out by the Endoscopy Team.
Colorectal Service – Bowel Surgery
Colorectal surgery deals with repairing damaged bowels caused by disorders within the rectum, anus and colon. The overall treatment may also involve a wider team including specialist nurses, dieticians and consultants.
Community Heart Failure Nursing Service
We are a small team of specialist nurses providing expert care to patients with a diagnosis of Heart failure confirmed by echocardiogram.
Community Rehabilitation
The Community Rehabilitation team works within the community to support patients that have deteriorated in their ability to manage at home because of a change in their health.
At East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust we are committed to delivering high quality and efficient services which provide patients, their family and carers with the best possible experience.
Coronary Care Unit (CCU)
The CCU is a purpose built 10 bedded unit that patients are admitted to for diagnosis and treatment of acute heart problems.
Critical Care Unit
We look after critically ill patients whose conditions can be life-threatening and who need constant, close monitoring and organ support from highly trained staff, equipment and medication.
Services starting with D
Dementia Care
People living with Dementia and those affected by the condition access all of our services and it is a priority in the Trust for care to be designed, developed and continually improved to be suitable for patients living with Dementia and their carers.
Dermatology Service
The Dermatology Service at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust (ELHT) provides a service for those in East Lancashire with severe or complex skin disease and skin cancer.
Diabetes Service (Integrated)
As the result of a year- long service redesign programme, health experts across East Lancashire and Blackburn with Darwen have come together to improve the way diabetes care is delivered.
Dietetics is the professional application of the science of nutrition in health and disease to all groups of people.
Discharge Lounge
District Nurses
The District Nurses provide complex clinical care to patients living in their own homes. Working together the aim is to work with patients to empower them to self manage long term conditions and prevent avoidable hospital admission.
Domestic Services (Patient Services)
We provide Patient Services including a cleaning service across all Trust properties 365 days per year
DVT Clinic
Our DVT Service is an innovate collaboration between primary care and secondary care.
Services starting with E
Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
We provide a comprehensive list of treatments related to general ENT problems including treatment in the fields of complex rhinology (nose and sinus problems), otology (complex ear problems) and head, neck and thyroid cancers
East Lancashire Community Parkinsons Service
Supports patients and families with neurological conditions to prevent or reduce hospital admissions and to reduce consultant and GP visits.
Elective Centre
The Lancashire Elective Centre is located on Level 0 Area 6 of the Burnley General Teaching Hospital.
Emergency Department (A&E)
Staff in the Emergency Department assess and treat people with serious injuries and those in need of emergency treatment (blue light emergencies).
Emergency Surgical Unit
End of Life and Bereavement Team
The End of Life and Bereavement Team offers support to the relatives and friends of people who have died in hospital.
Here at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust we offer a range of endoscopic procedures of the gastrointestinal tract. This includes diagnostic and therapeutic procedures of the upper GI tract (gastroscopy), colon (colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy).
The Integrated Eye Service provides an extensive range of eye services for both adults and children.
Services starting with F
Many falls can be prevented and by making some small changes, you can keep safe from falling. STEADY On! is a proven approach to help reduce your risk of falls and injury and to keep you independent, safe and steady.
At East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust we are committed to delivering high quality and efficient services which provide patients, their family and carers with the best possible experience. Tell us how we are doing, good or bad.
Fracture Clinic
Part of the Trauma and Orthopaedic service, the fracture clinic is based at the Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital.
Friends and Family Test
We would appreciate two minutes of your time to fill out a very short survey called the Friends and Family Test where you will be asked if you would recommend our services to a friend or relative.
Services starting with G
Services starting with H
Hand Therapy
Under Construction
Hearing (Children)
The Paediatric Audiology Service is delivered by a team of professionals with specialist training in assessing hearing and managing hearing loss in children. The service also has a newborn hearing screening team which screens babies at birth for hearing loss.
Heart Failure Nursing Service
The Heart Failure Nursing Team review patients referred by consultants or GPs from a hospital setting, or as an outpatient or via your GP.
Hepato-Pancreatic-Biliary (Liver and Pancreas)
The Hepato-Pancreatic-Biliary (HPB) service in East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust has an expert multi-disciplinary team (MDT) that provides the latest treatments for all conditions, including cancers, affecting the liver, bile ducts, gallbladder and pancreas.
Hepatology is the branch of medicine that looks at prevention, diagnosis and management of diseases that affect the liver, gall bladder, bile ducts and pancreas.
Hospital Transport Service
We provide the transportation of goods and services within the East Lancashire area and beyond, covering all hospitals sites, GP practices, and NHS clinics.
Services starting with I
Infant Feeding
See also 'Maternity and Newborn services'
Infection Prevention and Control
The Infection Prevention and Control team work hard to ensure that patients receive the very highest standard of healthcare. Although the risk of getting an infection whilst in hospital is low, careful attention to infection prevention and control is a crucial part of keeping our patients safe.
Integrated Eye Service (Ophthalmology)
The Integrated Eye Service provides an extensive range of eye services for both adults and children.
Integrated MSK, Pain and Rheumatology Service
We are often known as MSK (Musculoskeletal) or Physio (Physiotherapy). A musculoskeletal problem may relate to a variety of symptoms or conditions arising from muscles, bones, joints, nerves, tendons or ligaments. Common conditions treated are neck and back pain, osteoarthritis and sports injuries.
Integrated Neighbourhood Team
Integrated Respiratory Service
The Integrated Respiratory Service is a highly specialised respiratory nurse and exercise team providing respiratory services to patients who live in the Pennine Lancashire area.
Intensive Home Support Service
A team of clinical staff will assess, investigate, support and help you avoid any unnecessary hospital admissions or to help you to return home from hospital where possible.
Intermediate Care Allocation Team
Services starting with L
Lancashire and South Cumbria Operational Delivery Network for Hepatitis C and the Roaming Team
Lancashire and South Cumbria ODN is working locally towards implementing NHS England’s goal of eliminating hepatitis C in the UK ahead of the WHO global target of 2030. In doing so we aim to provide a safe, personal, and effective service with compassion to our patients and our partner organisations in order to support our patients through treatment.
Lancashire Vision Screening Service (LaVSS)
The Lancashire Vision Screening Service, commissioned by Lancashire County Council and run by East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust and Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, is the first of its kind to be introduced in the country. The orthoptic-led service has been ‘highly commended’ by the British and Irish Orthoptic Society (BIOS), with support from leading eye health experts as a ‘model service’ that should be implemented across the country.
Laundry and Linen Service
A laundry has existed on what is now the Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital site for at least 100 years.
Learning Disabilities and Autism
If you (or someone you care for) are coming to hospital, for any reason, let us know and we can help and support you.
Liver and Pancreas Service
The Hepato-Pancreatic-Biliary (HPB) service in East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust has an expert multi-disciplinary team (MDT) that provides the latest treatments for all conditions, including cancers, affecting the liver, bile ducts, gallbladder and pancreas.
Long Covid Service
Support and information from Pennine Lancashire Long Covid Service
Lower Limb Vascular Service
The Lower Limb Vascular Team provides care and treatment on most aspects of leg care.
Lymphoedema Service
The Lymphodema service specialises in the management of lymphodema (a long term swelling of one part of the body ) and provides numerous treatments to aid towards a supported care plan.
Services starting with M
Macmillan Information Service
The Macmillan Cancer Information Service at the Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital and Burnley General Teaching Hospital provides a confidential drop-in service for anyone affected by cancer.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a safe painless test that uses magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed pictures of the body organs and structures, and has no known harmful effects.
Major Trauma Unit
Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital is a (Major) Trauma Unit within the Lancashire and South Cumbria Major Trauma Network.
Maternity and Newborn services
Our maternity services are available to help you through your pregnancy, birth and early parenthood to ensure your baby has the best start in life.
Medical Examiner Service
The ME service is an independent review system, developed following a number of high-profile investigations into patient deaths to provide greater safeguarding to the public around certification of death.
Medicines Support Team
The Medicines Support Team provide support for people in their home and operates as part of ELHT Pharmacy Services.
Mental Health Support Teams (school-based)
Minor Injuries Unit
Mortuary Services
The department provides a mortuary service to ELHT hospital sites.
Musculoskeletal service
We are part of the Integrated Musculoskeletal, Pain and Rheumatology Service.
Services starting with N
Services starting with O
Occupational Therapy
The aim of Occupational Therapy is to help people who are temporarily or permanently limited in their ability to carry out these everyday activities, because of an operation, accident or illness, to be as independent as possible in these daily activities.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS)
We provide a comprehensive Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery service for our local population of approximately 530,000. We are a six consultant led service across two hospitals.
Orthodontics is the part of dentistry that is involved with monitoring the development of the teeth and jaws and then treating any associated abnormalities.
Orthoptists see patients with a wide range of conditions affecting their vision. Patients may be directly experiencing symptoms such as blurred, oscillating or double vision, or they may exhibit outward signs, such as misalignment or uncontrolled movement of the eyes or abnormal head positions.
The Orthotic department provides a wide range of orthoses for all parts of the body. An orthosis is an external device that is used to correct, accommodate or maintain good positioning of bones and joints by helping to rest, protect or support you.
Overseas Visitors
The Department of Health has placed a legal responsibility on every NHS Trust to identify and charge all Overseas Visitors using our services.
Services starting with P
Paediatric Physiotherapy
The Paediatric Physiotherapy team at East Lancashire Hospitals provides a service to children and young people living in Burnley, Pendle, Rossendale, the Ribble Valley and Blackburn with Darwen who have a registered GP within this area.
We offer a wide range of health services for children across East Lancashire and Blackburn with Darwen.
Pain Management Service
The Pain Management Service is a multidisciplinary team (MDT) of clinicians who specialise in the treatment and management of patients with varying degrees of persistent and problematic pain.
Palliative Care
Palliative Care is provided to patients who have progressive, incurable conditions and people who are approaching the end of their life.
Pancreas and Liver Service
The Hepato-Pancreatic-Biliary (HPB) service in East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust has an expert multi-disciplinary team (MDT) that provides the latest treatments for all conditions, including cancers, affecting the liver, bile ducts, gallbladder and pancreas.
Patient Experience
At East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust we are committed to delivering high quality and efficient services which provide patients, their family and carers with the best possible experience. Tell us how we are doing, good or bad.
Patient Transport Service
The North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust (NWAS) is now managing the Patient Transport Service in Lancashire.
The Pharmacy Department provides a wide range of pharmaceutical services to a number of users, including all wards, clinics and departments, local hospices and community hospitals.
Pharmacy Homecare
The homecare service helps organise the provision, delivery and administration of medications for treatment within a patient’s home.
Part of the Integrated Musculoskeletal, Pain and Rheumatology Service, Phyiotherapy provides inpatient and outpatient services Physiotherapy to help restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability.
Physiotherapy (Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological)
The POG Physiotherapy Service provides outpatient physiotherapy assessment and intervention for people with a range of bladder and bowel problems as well as pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain.
Podiatry Service
The Podiatry Service provides assessment, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions affecting the feet and lower limbs.
Portering Service
Porters carry out a variety of tasks around the Trust such as transporting patients in beds or wheelchairs inside the hospital, maintaining entrances and exits, transporting specimens or medicines, collecting and delivering internal post and providing medical gases.
Pre-operative assessment
The perioperative medicine and anaesthetic departments work together....
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Pulmonary rehabilitation is a course designed to help patients who have long-term lung conditions. This could be COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), bronchiectasis or pulmonary fibrosis.
Services starting with R
Radiology provides diagnostic and therapeutic imaging services for ELHT. Images are obtained using a wide variety of specialist equipment and techniques, operated by a skilled team of radiographers, radiologists and assistant practitioners.
Rakehead Neurorehabilitation Centre
The Neurorehabilitation Service is a specialised interdisciplinary pathway for patients with disabling neurological conditions.
Refer to Pharmacy
Refer-to-Pharmacy is the world’s first fully integrated hospital to community pharmacy referral system. It allows the hospital pharmacy team to work with community pharmacists to help our patients get the best from their medicines and to stay healthy at home.
Our researchers design and carry out clinical research studies, and work with patient and public representatives, and our university and industry partners, to help develop the treatments of the future.
The Integrated Respiratory Service is a highly specialised respiratory nurse and exercise team providing respiratory services to patients who live in the Pennine Lancashire area.
Restorative Dentistry
As part of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in East Lancashire the service provides specialist level dental/oral assessment, diagnosis, advice and rehabilitation management for patients.
Restorative Dentistry
The service provides specialist level dental and oral assessments, diagnosis, advice and rehabilitation management for patients
Rheumatology is part of an integrated model for managing musculoskeletal, orthopaedic, rheumatology and pain services.
Rheumatology Physiotherapy
Rheumatology Physiotherapists help to restore movement and function when it is affected by their rheumatological diagnosis.
Services starting with S
Shuttle Bus
The Trust offers a free transport service between the Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital (RBTH), Burnley General Teaching Hospital (BGTH) and Pendle Community Hospital (PCH) for staff, patients and visitors.
Specialist hair clinics
Speech and Language Therapy
Speech and Language Therapy is provided to adults across Pennine Lancashire in their own homes, in hospital and out patient clinics. Services are delivered by qualified and registered Speech and Language Therapists.
STEADY On! is a proven approach to help reduce your risk of falls and injury and to keep you independent, safe and steady.
Stroke Unit
The Acute Stroke Unit is on level 2 at the Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital and is a dedicated ward for those patients who have had or are suspected of having had a stroke.
Surgical Ambulatory Emergency Care Unit (SAECU)
SAECU is an emergency surgical clinic covering six specialities:General Surgery, Urology, Vascular, Maxillo-Facial, ENT and Trauma & Orthopaedics
Switchboard (telecoms)
The switchboard is a 24 hour service, handling all calls to the main hospital numbers: 01254 263555 or 01282 425071
Services starting with T
TB (Tuberculosis) Service
The East Lancashire TB Service provide specialist nursing care to support patients and their families in the community and promote compliance with TB treatment
Termination of Pregnancy (Abortion) Service
We are a holistic service based at Burnley General Teaching Hospital for women stressed by an unwanted pregnancy who wish to discuss their options.
Therapy Services
The therapy teams are health care professionals that include physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and dietitians.
Tissue Viability Service
The Tissue Viability Nurses and Dietitians are experienced in preventing and healing wounds.
Tobacco Inpatient Service
The Tobacco Inpatient Service are a team of Specialist Tobacco Dependency Advisors who are on hand to support patients during their stay in hospital to help keep them comfortable from nicotine withdrawal.
Trauma and Orthopaedics
Orthopaedics is the branch of medicine which focuses on treating the musculoskeletal system. This includes muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons.
Treatment Rooms
The East Lancashire Treatment Room Service provides face to face and a direct point of access for patients requiring specific treatments.
Services starting with U
Urgent Treatment Centre
We offer a specialist service for women with problems with urinary incontinence (leaking urine from the bladder) and pelvic floor problems (prolapse) and problems after childbirth. We understand how these problems can affect every part of day to day life and our aim is to help improve your quality of life.
The urology service provides high quality care to a local population of 530,000 along with tertiary care to a population of 1.6 million in Lancashire and South Cumbria.
Services starting with W
Ward B14
Ward B14 at the Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital is for people undergoing and recovering from urology surgery.
Ward C2
Ward C22 (Emergency Surgical Unit)
The Emergency Surgical Unit (ESU) is the admission point for all urgent surgical patients. The unit cares for short stay surgical patients both pre and post-operatively.
What to do in an emergency
Wound Care Team