Get up, get moving, get home

Staying active while you are in hospital can keep you healthy, even a little bit of activity every day can help you maintain your independence.

Sticking to a routine that is similar to what you do at home, such as getting out of bed, getting dressed or walking to the bathroom, can help to aid your recovery and reduce deconditioning. There are lots of benefits to keeping active while you're in hospital, such as:

  • Better breathing
  • Improved sleep and mood
  • Being able to fight infections
  • Less risk of pressure sores
  • Improved appetite
  • Less weakness and fatigue
  • Less risk of pain and falls
  • Better able to cope when you return home

Your stay in hospital will be shorter if you try to keep to normal daily routines and activities.

If you’re able, do the following, they will aid with your recovery!

  • Bring in your own comfortable clothes and sturdy, well fastened footwear. Try and dress yourself for the day as you normally would, ask for help if you need it.
  • Sit up for all meals, out of bed in your chair if possible is best.
  • Participate in gentle exercises for strength and balance (we can show you how).
  • Take small steps often.
  • Get out of bed and move around during visiting time if you are able. We can show you how if you need help.
  • Friends and family can help you exercise if you've been given some to do.
  • Therapists will support and advise if you need specialist input.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Walk to the toilet if you are able to, if you need help to stay steady or a walking aid (such as zimmer frame or stick) let us know.
  • If you need help getting out of bed please ask a nurse to help - use your call bell.

When you're in hospital, we'll look at what you were able to do before being admitted to better understand how to support you and encourage you to keep moving.

  • If you need glasses or hearing aids to help you communicate, please let us know. Do you know where they are?

  • Do you have or need equipment to help you move about? If not, please let us know how we can help you.

  • When you are admitted to hospital, we will assess how you normally get about. We'll also make sure to look at any risks that may stop you from getting out of bed so that we can support you.

  • Getting out of bed and sitting in a chair are really beneficial. We can help you with this.

  • If you can, please walk to the toilet. It keeps you moving and prepares you for home.

We will encourage you to 'do it yourself' where ever you can. Including...

  • Sitting up to eat and drink if you are able to
  • Washing and dressing yourself and wearing your own clothes
  • Keep changing your position, even if you are in a chair or in bed

Additional information