Information for patients taking part in research

We're so grateful to all the East Lancashire patients who’ve volunteered to take part in health research. You join over 35,000 participants since 2008, from our hospitals, who contribute to a better understanding of disease and finding new treatments.

Safety is our priority

The safety of patients and hospital staff is our top priority and we are following the Trust guidance for infection control and hospital appointments. This includes minimising footfall on the hospital site, maintaining social distancing and using decontamination procedures.

If you’re taking part in a research study

If you were taking part in a research study at the hospital before the COVID-19 outbreak, the study team will have contacted you to discuss any changes to your follow up appointments, or to your medication and how to collect this from the hospital. As we restart any research that was temporarily paused, the study team will continue to inform you of any changes that may affect you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your study team. Their contact details are as follows:

For women’s health research: 01282 803081
For children's research: 01254 732643
For cancer research: 01254 733299

To find out more about our research 

If you’d like to find out more about research at East Lancashire Hospitals, please visit the research pages of this website or you can also follow us on twitter @ELHTresearch. The Be Part of Research website also provides more information on research and lists the studies taking place in East Lancashire and nationally throughout the NHS.

You can find out more about our response to the COVID-19 pandemic here.

For further information about these studies please contact the Research Support Office by calling 01254 732756.

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REMAP-CAP Randomized, Embedded, Multifactorial, Adaptive Platform trial for Community-Acquired Pneumonia (REMAP-CAP) Open Dr Nick Truman University Medical Center Utrecht Study website
GENOMICC Genetics of Susceptibility and Mortality in
Critical Care
Open Dr M Smith University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian Health Board Study website

Last updated 16 December 2024

You may need to talk to your doctor about taking part in the studies listed here.

If you’re already taking part in a research study but can't see it listed here, the study may be closed to recruitment. All the patients that the researchers needed to include, will have been entered into the study. But for patients already taking part, study treatment and the collection of research data will continue.

For information about any of these studies, please contact our research team on 01254 732651 or 01254 733213.

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IBD BioResource

The UK inflammatory bowel disease bioresource: Progressing from genetics to function and clinical translation in Crohn's Disease & Ulcerative Colitis

Crohn's disease

Dr J Collum

Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

IBD BioResource webpage

EVEREST IBD Endoscopic severity image recognition to advance research and training in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Gastroenterology Dr Afifi Hull University Teaching Hospitals  
HRV Heart Rate Variability as a Predictor of Postoperative Complications - A Feasibility Study Elective major abdominal surgery Dr Shu Ng East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust  

* Study not open to new participants at ELHT (Temporary pause)

Last updated 16 December 2024

You may need to talk to your doctor about taking part in the studies listed here.

If you’re already taking part in a research study but can't see it listed here, the study may be closed to recruitment. All the patients that the researchers needed to include, will have been entered into the study. But for patients already taking part, study treatment and the collection of research data will continue.

For information about any of these studies, please contact our research team on 01254 732651 or 01254 733213.

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Further information


Improving perioperative care through the use of quality data: Patient Study of the Perioperative Quality Improvement Programme

Dr M Pollard

University College London

PQIP website

VITDALIZE Effect of High-Dose Vitamin D3 on 28-Day Mortality in Adult Critically Ill Patients with Severe Vitamin D Deficiency
The UK arm of an International Multi-Centre, Placebo-Controlled, Phase III Double-Blind trial
Dr Anton Krige  University of Birmingham University of Birmingham
MOSAICC  Evaluating the clinical and cost-effectiveness of Sodium Bicarbonate administered for critically ill patients with acute kidney injury and metabolic acidosis Dr Matthew  Smith University Hospitals of  Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Triust  
IREHAB Remote Rehab after ICU Dr Nick Truman Ulster University
ABBRUPT 21/504 Amiodarone vs. beta blockade for new onset atrial fibrillation in adult intentive care.  Dr Nick Truman University of Birmingham ABBRUPT
GUARDS Glucocorticoids in adults with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Dr Nick Truman NHS Lothian  

* Study not open to new participants at ELHT (Temporary pause)

Last updated 10 February 2025

You may need to talk to your doctor about taking part in the studies listed here.

If you’re already taking part in a research study but can't see it listed here, the study may be closed to recruitment. All the patients that the researchers needed to include, will have been entered into the study. But for patients already taking part, study treatment and the collection of research data will continue.

For information about any of these studies, please contact our research team on 01254 732651 or 01254 733213.

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CHARMER                  Comprehensive Geriatrician led Medication Review WP4                                                                             Ageing                                   Dr Nicholas Roberts                                                University of Leicester                                                    

* Study not open to new participants at ELHT (Temporary pause)

Last updated 16 December 2024

You may need to talk to your doctor about taking part in the studies listed here.

If you’re already taking part in a research study but can't see it listed here, the study may be closed to recruitment. All the patients that the researchers needed to include, will have been entered into the study. But for patients already taking part, study treatment and the collection of research data will continue.

For information about any of our cancer studies, please contact the cancer research team on 01254 733299.

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UKGPC study

UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study

Dr O Parikh

The Institute of Cancer Research

The Institute of Cancer Research website

Cancer Research UK website

ICI Genetics Identification of genetic factors that predispose to immune checkpoint inhibitor toxicity Dr Robin Portner University of Birmingham
ATNEC ATNEC–Axillary management in T1‐3N1M0 breast cancer patients with FNA or core biopsy proven nodal metastases at presentation who convert to node negative after NEoadjuvant Chemotherapy Mr Inder Kumar University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS FT  ATNEC
TRACC Tracking mutations in cell free tumour DNA to predict Relapse in Early Colorectal Cancer Dr K Prasad The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
PETNECK 2 PETNECK 2: PET-CT guided, symptom-based, patient-initiated surveillance versus clinical follow-up in head and neck cancer Leandros Vassiliou
University of Birmingham University of Birmingham
ADAPT-P Impact of apalutamide in metastatic hormone sensitive prostate cancer patients Dr Omi Parikh The Royal Marsdn NHS Foundation Trust ADAPT-P
CVLP Cancer Vaccine Launchpad CVLP  Dr K Prasad NHS England
PRESCORES Preventing Endometrial Cancer: Utility scores of risk-reducing strategies Mr Mark Willet  Queen Mary - University of London PRESCORES
BC RECON Diagnosing Bladder Cancer: Evaluating the role of a urinary biomarker test in the reconfiguration of the haematuria clinic investigations Mr Pillai University of Birmingham BC:RECON
ARV471 MetBC w 1prior line (VERITAC 2) Multicenter, Randomized, Open-label Phase 3 Trial of ARV-471± GnRH analogue vs Investigator’s Treatment Choice ± GnRH analogue in Patients with Estrogen Receptor Positive, HER2Negative Advanced Breast Cancer Whose Disease Progressed After One Prior Endocrine based Treatment for Advanced disease Dr Martin Hogg Pfizer ARV471
HER2 RADICAL The HER2-RADICAL Study - Response adaptive care plan - Tailoring treatment for HER2 positive early Breast Cancer Dr Martin Hogg Institute of Cancer Research  HER2 RADICAL
REFINE A randomised open-label phase III trial of Reduced Frequency pembrolizumab immuNothErapy for first-line treatment of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) utilising a novel multi-arm frequency-response optimisation design Dr Robin Portner Imperial College London REFINE-LUNG
PAL-CYCLES Palliative Care Yields Cancer Wellbeing Support Dr Fawad Zaman Lancaster University


* Study not open to new participants at ELHT (Temporary pause)

Last updated 04 February 2025

You may need to talk to your doctor about taking part in the studies listed here.

If you’re already taking part in a research study but can't see it listed here, the study may be closed to recruitment. All the patients that the researchers needed to include, will have been entered into the study. But for patients already taking part, study treatment and the collection of research data will continue.


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The ELSA Study: EarLy Surveillance for Autoimmune diabetes Children Dr Chris Gardner University of Birmingham



Development of a serocorrelate of protection against invasive Group B Streptococcus disease (iGBS) Children Dr A Konstantinidis St Georges iGBS3



SPIROmetry to Manage Asthma in Children (SPIROMAC) Children Dr Dennis Corbett University of Aberdeen Spiromac
Dolfin DOLFIN - Developmental Outcomes of Long Term Feed Supplementation in Neonates Children Dr R Seethamraju Newcastle Upon Tyne NHS Trust
BASE Bicarbonate for Acidosis in very preterm babies: a randomised clinical trial Children Dr A Sur University of Oxford


* Study not open to new participants at ELHT (Temporary pause)

Last updated 16 December 2024

You may need to talk to your doctor about taking part in the studies listed here.

If you’re already taking part in a research study but can't see it listed here, the study may be closed to recruitment. All the patients that the researchers needed to include, will have been entered into the study. But for patients already taking part, study treatment and the collection of research data will continue.

For information about any of these studies, please contact our research team on 01254 732651 or 01254 733213.

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AFAR Atrial Fibrillation  After Resection  Cardiovascular Mr Nick Heywood Sheffield Teaching Hospital AFAR
DNA Lacunar  Genetic risk factors for cerebral small vessal disease Stroke Dr Anand Nair Cambridge University Hospitals University of Cambridge
Huawei Stroke Study (HSS) Evaluation of Huawei Smartwear for Detection of Atrial Fibrillation in a Post-Stroke Population: The Huawei Stroke Study Stroke Mark Delabajan
University of Liverpool HSS
COMMITS Confirming the Mechanism of Motivational Interviewing Therapy after Stroke: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial Stroke Mr Stephen Duberley UCLAN Commits
E-YUKON  Safety and clinical performance of the Yukon Choice PC, Yukon Chrome PC & Yukon Choice Flex Sirolimus Eluting Bioabsorbable Polymer Stents Systems in Routine Clinical Practice: e-Yukon Global Registry Cardiovascular Dr K Balachandran Kings College Hospitals NHS Trust  
ULTRA Long A Prospective Multi-center Single Arm Trial to Assess the Safety and Effectiveness of Longer Length BioFreedomTM Ultra CoCr Biolimus A9TM Coated Coronary Stents (ULTRA LONG) Cardiovascular Professor Scot Garg Biosensors Europe S.A  
ICORMICA International study of Coronary Microvascular Agina Cardiovascular Dr Kanarath Balachandran NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Healthboard Icormica
REDUCE Trial Bio-psychological Mechanisms of action in Improving Diabetic Foot Ulcer Outcomes Diabetes Gill Lomax University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS FT  REDUCE
DARE Individual patient and staff activity on in-patient stroke wards V1 Stroke Stephen Duberley UCLAN  
SPaCIs Use of the Stroke Patient Concerns Inventory in Stroke Outpatient Clinics
Stroke Linda Dunn UCLAN  
SMART Standardised Stroke risk assessment for patients with Migrainous symptoms reviewed as suspected TIA Stroke Dr Sheeba Philip Northumbria Healthcare NHS FT  

* Study not open to new participants at ELHT (Temporary pause)

Last updated 23 January 2025

You may need to talk to your doctor about taking part in the studies listed here.

If you’re already taking part in a research study but can't see it listed here, the study may be closed to recruitment. All the patients that the researchers needed to include, will have been entered into the study. But for patients already taking part, study treatment and the collection of research data will continue.

For information about any of these studies, please contact our research team on 01254 732651 or 01254 733213.

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ASPECT Aspirin after hospitalisation with Pneumonia to prevent cardiovascular Events randomised Controlled Trial Respiratory Dr K Geerthan North Bristol NHS Trust  
TB Dili Reintroduction of anti-tuberculosis therapy following drug-induced liver injury Respiratory Dr Stephen Wilson Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
STARFISH A randomised controlled trial of STeroid Administration Routes For Idiopathic Sudden sensorineural Hearing loss ENT Dr Surya Narayan University of Birmingham The Starfish Study
IMPROVE Improving life quality in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by increasing uptake and completion of pulmonary rehabilitation with lay health workers: a cluster randomised controlled trial Respiratory Diane Gaiger Kings College London
TIPAL The effectiveness and risks of treating people with Idiopathic Pumonary Fibrosis with the addition of Lansoprazole (TIPAL) Respiratory Dr Nadeem Anwar Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

* Study not open to new participants at ELHT (Temporary pause)

Last updated 06 February 2025 

You may need to talk to your doctor about taking part in the studies listed here.

If you’re already taking part in a research study but can't see it listed here, the study may be closed to recruitment. All the patients that the researchers needed to include, will have been entered into the study. But for patients already taking part, study treatment and the collection of research data will continue.

For information about any of these studies, please contact our research team on 01254 732651 or 01254 733213.

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British Association of  Dermatologists Biologic Interventions Register


Dr Owen

University of Manchester

BADBIR study website


A multicentre, prospective, cohort study to establish clinically relevant pharmacogenetic markers of systemic treatment outcomes in patients with severe psoriasis


Dr Owen

Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust


BILAG BILAG Biologic Prospective Cohort Musculoskeletal Prof L S Teh University of Manchester  
Toxicity from biological therapy (BSRBR) Prospective observational study of the long term hazards of biologic therapy in rheumatoid arthritis. Musculoskeletal ProfL S Teh Universuty of Manchester
Risk of Falls Interviews To identify the barriers and facilitators to engaging in exercise, in patients over 60 years who are at risk of falls in Rossendal MSK Physiotherapy Department  Musculoskeletal Michelle Thirlwall East Lancashire Hopsitals NHS Trust  
PEARLS ProactivE Against Reactive treatment for Lichen Sclerosus Dermatology Dr Caroline Owen University of Nottingham

* Study not open to new participants at ELHT (Temporary pause)

Last updated 16 December 2024

You may need to talk to your doctor about taking part in the studies listed here.

If you’re already taking part in a research study but can't see it listed here, the study may be closed to recruitment. All the patients that the researchers needed to include, will have been entered into the study. But for patients already taking part, study treatment and the collection of research data will continue.

For information about any of these studies, please contact our research team on 01254 732651 or 01254 733213.

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Panraman New biomarker identification of pancreatic cancer to improve diagnosis Mr D Subar Lancaster University  
UK-ROX Evaluating the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a conservative approach to oxygen therapy for invasively ventilated adults in intensive care. Dr N Truman Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre ICNARC website
PROPHER  Patient reported outcomes after parastomal hernie treatment - A prospective international cohort study Mr Nick Heywood University of Birmingham

The Propher Study - HRA Website

The Propher Study Patient Data and Research Leaflet

PLACEMENT                 Perineural Local Anaesthetic Catheter after Major Lower Limb Amputation  Mr David Ormesher Cardiff University PLACEMENT
THRIVE THRomboprophylaxis in Individuals undergoing superficial endoVEnous treatment (THRIVE): a multi-centre, assessor-blind randomised controlled trial Mr David Ormesher Imperial College London THRIVE
MANTRA Should we use post-operative antibiotics following surgery for patients with Mandible Fractures? Mr Andrew Goodall East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust  Mantra


*Study not open to new participants at ELHT (Temporary pause)

Last updated 11 February 2025 

You may need to talk to your doctor or midwife about taking part in the studies listed here.

If you’re already taking part in a research study and it is not listed here, the study may be closed to recruitment. This means that all the patients that the researchers needed to include, have been entered into the study. However, for patients already taking part, study treatment and the collection of research data will continue.

For information about any of these studies, please contact the women's health research team:

Burnley General Hospital: 01282 803081

Royal Blackburn Hospital: Women's health: 01254 732650; Children's research: 01254 732643.

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A multi-centre randomised controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of laparoscopic removal of isolatedsuperficial peritoneal endometriosis for the management of chronic pelvic pain in women: ESPriT2 Reproduction Dr Robyn Wittersheim University of Edinburgh

Giant Panda


Pregnancy ANtihypertensive Drugs: which Agent is best? Reproduction Dr Sarah Davies University of Birmingham Giant Panda



Hormone therapy for premature ovarian insufficiency: randomised trial and long-term evaluation Reproduction Dr S Nethra University of Nottingham



Recurrence of Endometriosis: A randomised controlled trial of clinical and cost-effectiveness of Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone Analogues with add-back hormone replacement therapy versus repeat Laparoscopic surgery(REGAL trial) Reproduction Dr M Abdel-Aty University of Aberdeen Regal

Tommys National Rainbow Clinic


The Tommy's National Rainbow Clinic Study Reproduction Mr Martin Maher Manchester Foundation Trust TOMMYS

Early vs Late Glucose Monitoring


An observational nested multicenter cohort study of early versus late monitoring among pregnant women with a history of gestational diabetes Reproduction Sarah Carter Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust EarlyvsLate



Clinical and cost-effectiveness of a maternity quality improvement programme to reduce excess bleeding and need for transfusion after childbirth: the Obstetric Bleeding Study UK (OBS UK) Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomised Trial Reproduction Dr Sarah Loveridge University of Cardiff OBS UK



Open-label randomised controlled trial of enhanced support and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) offered for preloading, lapse recovery and smoking reduction: impact on smoking in pregnancy Reproduction Mrs Bev Hammond University of Nottingham SNAP 3
The Tommys Project A Coordinated antental and tissue data study of pregnancy outcome and related disease  Reproduction Dr Helen Collier  University of Manchester  Tommys
MOLI Mifepristone Outpatient Labour Induction Reproduction Dr Justine Nugent Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS FT MOLI
MINESS 20-28 Mothers working to prevent early stillbirth study Reproduction Dr Lindsey Sellers Manchester University Hospitals FT MINESS 20-28
The iHOLDS Trial High or low dose Syntocinon for induction of labour in nulliparous women Reproduction Dr Sarah Loveridge Birmingham Women and Childrens NHS FT iHOLDS
PIONEER Prevastatin to prevent preterm Birth Reproduction Dr Lindsey Sellers University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS FT PIONEER


* Study not open to new participants at ELHT (Temporary pause)

Last updated 16 December 2024 

Clinical research studies happening locally and nationally can be found by searching the following databases: