At East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust we are committed to delivering high quality and efficient services which provide patients, their family and carers with the best possible experience.

Our overarching aim is to ensure that patients, their families and carers receive an experience that not only meets but exceeds their expectations of services at the Trust.

To read more our commitment, please download a copy of the Patient, Carer and Family Experience Strategy 2018-2021 or click on the image below to view.

Click here to view an easy read version

Listening to and learning from your feedback helps us do this. If you've used one of our services recently we would like to know what you think. Please use one of the methods’ below to give us your views.

If you wish to raise a concern or complaint please contact the Customer Relations Team on Freephone 0800 587 2586 or 01254 733700. Alternatively, you can email:


Patient stories are an invaluable way of helping us to understand how the services we deliver impact on you, by putting our staff “in your shoes”.

Research shows that patient stories bring experiences to life and encourage the NHS to focus on the patient as a person rather than a condition or an outcome. By gathering patient and carer narratives we can discover what really matters to them and see first-hand the impact of our actions.

If you would like to share your story then contact a member of the Patient Experience Team on 01254 734471 and we will arrange to meet with you.


Click here to download the Continuing Compassionate Care publication which presents a collection of patient stories – honest, personal accounts of our patients’ experiences and the impact of the kindness and compassion of our staff.

Healthwatch Lancashire

Healthwatch is the public voice on health and social care in Lancashire. Their role is to listen to patients and members of the public and use this information to influence change within the health and social care system.

You can help to improve services by sharing your stories and recent experiences in any hospitals, GP surgeries, dentists, pharmacies, ambulance services or care homes in Lancashire.

It is their role to ensure the views of the people in Lancashire are heard when health and social care services are being planned and provided, and also to signpost residents to information and advice services.

Healthwatch Lancashire is an independent body; they strive to be a powerful public voice to influence, change and improve the quality of local health and social care services.

Find out more by visiting or call 0300 303 8811.

Healthwatch Blackburn with Darwen

Healthwatch gives people a powerful voice locally and nationally. At a local level, Healthwatch BwD helps local people get the best out of their local health and social care services. Whether it's improving them today, or helping to shape them for tomorrow, Healthwatch BwD is all about local voices being able to influence the delivery and design of local services.

Find out more by visiting

or Email: or call 01254 480002 

Are you interested in working with East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust to help improve the care, experience and services we provide? Can you work effectively with other people?

If the answer is yes, we would love to hear from you. Our Trust is looking to recruit patient representative volunteers to join our Public Participation Panel.

You can be a service user, a carer, relative or from a local voluntary organisation.  We are particularly keen that membership of the panel is representative of the wide range of people we care for and who live in the communities we serve. You would be expected to attend virtual and / or face to face meetings and champion the voice of patients and service users in the planning and development of services.

As a PPP member you will:

  • Work with staff to ensure the patient voice is embedded within improvement projects
  • Ensure that improvement projects are designed and produced as a team
  • Review patient information leaflets produced by the Trust
  • Review / inspect services or facilities, in conjunction with staff through initiatives such as quality walk rounds or the Patient Led Assessments of the Care Environment (PLACE), that provide an opportunity to visit wards and departments, meet with people who work at the Trust and engage with patients.

If you are interested in finding out more, please contact the Patient Experience Team:


Telephone: 01254 734087 / 01254 734471

Children and Young People’s Patient Experience Survey 2024.

We want to know what people think about their care at this hospital. We will ask children, young people and their parents or carers for their views.

Taking part is voluntary and all answers are. confidential, meaning they will not be linked back to you.

If you are selected to take part, you will receive a letter and text messagereminders. You will then be able to answer some questions online

So we can contact you, the hospital will share some details with our research team. These will include your name, phone number, and postal address. We will keep your details secure.

If you have any questions, or do not want to take part, please contact: Patient Experience Team

What people are saying about us

People can share their experiences of the care we provide by completing the Friends and Family Test. You can find out more information below. 


Ways to contact us


Telephone: 01254 733716


Patient Experience
Park View Offices
Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital
Haslingden Road

To leave a compliment complete our online form

If you would like to share your experience in confidence with an independent organisation, you can  contact Healthwatch BwD on 01254 504985 or you can also post a 'review' of our service on the NHS website and search by the name of the Hospital or Health Centre your comment is regarding.

Some compliments we have received:

CT Department RBTH - "Very good. I was very nervous due to self isolating the past few weeks and was worried about communication as I am very deaf and lip reading is impossible with mask. However, I felt safe in the hospital and could not have been treated better during my scan."

Gynaecology BGTH - "Amazing staff and kept me feeling safe and secure with what I had to go through. Helped me all the way and always checked I was ok. The same nurses stayed with me through all the times I came into hospital and made sure I knew and understood everything that was going on. Amazing service and amazing staff. I want to say a major thanks to Andrea as she was incredible and I couldnt have done it without her support the whole way."

Integrated Musculoskeletal, Pain and Rheumatology Service at St Peters Centre - "Excellent service. Very professional. Good advice. Helpful handouts re exercises given. Gave me confidence, emotional, physical and mental to succeed through a long journey. Thanks so much."

Emergency Department RBTH - "I was seen quickly and professionally. All the doctors and nurses were very knowledgable and respectful. I arrived for a non-Coronavirus related issue and felt the hospital was being managed very well. Hats off to everyone to helped me and the wider team during this difficult period!"

Radiology Dept Barbara Castle Way - "Nothing could have been done better....the NHS are smashing it. How lucky we are!"