Over the years there have been many innovations and developments in the pharmacy world. Choosing which ones to embrace and deciding which will most advance the service is complex.
Our patient Martin Simm was diagnosed with cancer in the summer of 2016 and sadly passed away in October the same year, aged just 40.
‘’Falls are an inevitable part of getting older’’, is a comment I hear a lot. But that is not correct.
Developing the role of the assistant practitioner is helping East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust (ELHT) ensure we have the right flexible mix of skills to meet patient needs and freeing up registered nurses to deliver what they have been uniquely trained for.
A Lancashire mum who suddenly collapsed during pregnancy and was admitted to intensive care after being diagnosed with multiple blood clots on her lungs has spoken of her relief and joy after surviving the ordeal and having a healthy baby.
A mum who saw her daughter go from being a pale and listless child with no energy to a happy and healthy little girl full of life...