What we do

Our six outpatient departments provide facilities to accommodate patients who are attending for initial consultations and follow-on care or undergoing diagnostic, therapeutic and minor surgical procedures

We aim to offer a high quality, accessible service which meets the expectations of our patients.

The outpatient teams provide the highest standards of care in a safe environment, respecting patient’s cultural and religious beliefs and maintaining individuality and dignity at all times. Our highly motivated and knowledgeable teams endeavor to anticipate and meet the ever changing needs of health care in the local community. All members of each team have a valued contribution to make, as individuals, to the success of the appropriate outpatient department.

Our vision is to be a leading provider of outpatient services ensuring safe, timely access to a range of high quality, clinically effective and resource effective services as determined by patient and service needs.

In a world of choice, excellent patient experience is of the utmost importance and we need to endeavor to provide this within outpatient services leading us to being the patient’s first choice.

In outpatients we are constantly looking at ways to improve the services we provide.

We endeavor to provide the same high quality service on all sites and have spent time developing and implementing standardised procedures and practices to ensure that this happens.

Patients can therefore expect, and receive, the same high standards and treatment whichever site they attend – along with the ‘personal touch’.

We have introduced an Outpatient focus group and the feedback from the patients in this group has been excellent in assisting us when looking at how we can improve and enhance the experience of all patients coming through our doors.

We also now carry out patient questionnaires on a monthly basis. A report is formulated for each outpatient department and the individual sisters from each site act on the feedback from patients – both critical and complimentary. 

We continue to develop our ‘Productive Outpatients’ model and the results from the surveys will be displayed in ‘productive’ boards on all departments – alongside detailed information on improvements we are making.  

How to access the service

Outpatients services can be accessed via your GP, internally from one of our inpatient services or from another health care professional. 

Where to find us

Outpatient services are available on all sites within the East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust. These sites are:

Clinics are also available at Acorn Health Centre, 421 Blackburn Road, Accrington. 

Some specialities are available on all sites whilst others are available on specific sites only.

Sites available are clarified when initial appointments are arranged – or by enquiring at any reception area.

Service Lead

Andrea Cottam - Lead Nurse

Telephone – 01254 733185 (Blackburn) or 01282 805345 (Burnley)


General Enquiries

Royal Blackburn Hospital - 01254 733383 (83383) or 01254 735804 (85804)

Burnley General Hospital (Main Outpatients) - 01282 805345

Burnley General Hospital (Phase V) - 01282 805137 (15137)

Rossendale Primary Health Care Centre - 01706 253570

Pendle Community Hospital - 01282 804928 (14928)

Acorn Centre, Accrington - 01254 735667 

Opening times

Royal Blackburn Hospital

Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm

Burnley General Hospital - Fairhurst OPD ( Area 4 )

Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm

Burnley General Hospital (Area 7) 

Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm

Rossendale Primary Health Care Centre 

Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5pm

Friday 8.30am – 1pm

Pendle Community Hospital

Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5pm