Phone: 01254 735637

What is Call for Concern?

If you are concerned about a noticeable change or deterioration in a patient’s condition, please let us know. If you have already spoken to the ward team or community healthcare team about it and are still concerned, there is a support service available for inpatients, their families, and their friends.

When to use the Call for Concern service:

  • If a significant change in the patient’s conditions occurs

  • If you feel that the healthcare team are not recognising your concern

  • If you feel as though information about your condition is confusing and you would like some clarity

  • If you continue to have ongoing concerns after you have spoken to the ward nurse or doctor

Please be reassured, using this service will NOT have a negative effect on a patient’s care in any way. Nobody knows your healthcare needs or those of your loved ones, better than you and your family and because of this we recognise that you may sometimes see that something is wrong before our healthcare team does.

When to NOT to use the Call for Concern Service:

This service should not be used to report issues or concerns regarding hospital bed/rooms, food, parking, visiting times, hospital cleanliness or any general issues. In those situations, please speak to the ward team.

It should also not be used for issues covered by the Customer Relations Team who offer advice and support to informally resolve any concerns about care provided.

How to make a Call for Concern:

Call directly: 01254 735637

Say you have a call for concern.

You’ll need:

  • The patient’s name
  • The ward they are on
  • A brief description of the problem
  • Your contact details and relationship to the patient

What happens next?

After prioritising the urgency of the problem, a Clinical Site Manager will contact you to discuss your concerns and evaluate the situation.

They will also liaise with your medical and nursing team as needed to establish the next steps and discuss any further treatment options.

Please ask if you would like help in understanding this information. This information can be made available in large print and in other languages.