The term musculoskeletal refers to the muscles, ligaments, joints and nerves in the human body. Musculoskeletal (MSK) Physiotherapy focuses on working with patients to help restore movement and function when they have been affected by an injury or illness. Common conditions treated are neck and back pain, osteoarthritis, muscle and ligament injuries and patients recovering from fractures/surgery.

We provide expert care, support and advice to patients, carers and healthcare professionals in GP surgeries, health centres and hospital settings.

Many musculoskeletal conditions often settle with correct advice and self-management and for this reason, we encourage all patients to try this before being referred to our service. The Patient information section provides useful information about some common musculoskeletal conditions. In this section, you will find leaflets, self-management advice, information links and home exercise programs/exercise videos for you to follow.

Please see the link for more information regarding the services we provide and treatment options that may be available to you.