Mr Ward graduated as a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) with honours from Manchester University Dental Hospital in 1992. He sat the Fellowship Examinations in Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons (FDSRCS) and was fortunate to be awarded the Gold Medal for the best performance in the examination for that year.
He obtained a Master of Science Degree (MSc) focusing on Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics before opting to pursue a career in orthodontics.
Contact details
01254 734 476
Clinic assess times
- Thursday RBH 0830-1630 treatment clinic
- Friday BGH 0830-1300 treatment clinic
Stephen became an Orthodontic Specialist Registrar (SpR) at Birmingham Dental Hospital. In this initial 3 year training period he studied for a Master of Philosophy degree (MPhil) in orthodontics and qualified as a Specialist Orthodontist by sitting the Membership Examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (MOrth RCS Eng).
He then undertook an additional 2 years training and passed the Fellowship in Dental Surgery (FDSOrth), to qualify as an Orthodontic Consultant in 2003.
Research interests
Stephen is a dissertation supervisor for MSc students at Manchester University and is Programme lead for the MSc(clin orthod) at Manchester University.
Professional membership
Academic Teacher in Orthodontics for UCLAN undergraduates, Examiner in Orthodontics at the Royal College of Surgeons and clinical/educational supervisor for orthodontic STs’