Contact details
PA Tel: 01254 73 3040
Clinical assess times
1. Monday AM - Burnley General Hospital: Vascular access clinic New and follow up patients
2. Wednesday AM - Burnley General Hospital: New and follow up patients
3. Thursday PM - Royal Blackburn hospital: New and follow up patients
- Consultant General and vascular surgeon since 1996
- Completed vascular training in Manchester
- Special interest in carotid surgery and vascular access for haemodialysis
Research interests
1. Vascular success for haemodialysis: Steal syndrome, access surveillance and effects of dialysis fistula on cardiac function.
2. Carotid surgical technique: modified a technique for carotid endarterectomy.
3. Litigation claims in vascular surgery
4. Vascular Complications in IV drug users
5. DVT in arterial surgery
6. Vascular complications in endurance athletes
Wrote a Book titled (Vascular surgery, a Handbook for nurses) in 2005
Professional membership
1. General Medical council
2. Royal college of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
3. Vascular society of Great Britain and Ireland (VSGBI)
4. European society of Vascular and Endovascular surgery (ESVES)
5. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI)
6. Vascular access society (VAS)
7. Vascular society of Britain and Ireland (VASBI)
8. Medical defence union
9. Manchester Medical society