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This section contains patient information and exercise leaflets for the first line management of common conditions affecting the lower limb, upper limb and spine.

Click on any of the words/links (in blue) to view the information and exercise leaflets.

Additional patient information - for example Islam and exercise

For GPs / Health Professionals click here for a printable one page information sheet which informs on how to find the Self Help Guides / Patient Information Leaflets on our website and a list of which leaflets are available on-line.

Spinal Leaflets - this includes neck, upper back, lower back (with or without associated limb pain)

Back Pain (with or without leg pain)

Back Pain - General mobility exercises

Neck Pain

To view the recent NICE (National Institute of Health Care Excellence) Nov 2016 - NG59 Guidance on Low Back Pain and BMJ (British Medical Journal) info graphic click here 

Upper Limb Leaflets - this includes the shoulder (Leaflets for elbow, hand and wrist will be available soon)

Contracted (Frozen) Shoulder

Osteoarthritis (inflammation) of the Shoulder

Shoulder Impingement (Pinching) Syndrome

Traumatic Shoulder Injury

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Tennis Elbow pain

Lower Limb Leaflets - this includes hip, groin, knee, foot and ankle

Achilles Tendon Pain

Ankle impingement (pinching)

Ankle pain

Sprained Ankle Pain

Plantar Fascitis (sole of foot heel pain)

Knee Pain (not caused by injury or accident)

Traumatic Knee Injury

Lateral Hip Pain (outer side)

Groin Pain

Osteoarthritis (OA) of the Ankle

Osteoarthritis of the Hip

Peroneal Tendinopathy

Tibialis Posterior Tendinopathy