Latest blog posts from the CEO

Chief Executive Martin Hodgson issues a weekly blog to discuss his thoughts on what has been happening within the Trust and also how national or even world events affect patients and staff here at ELHT. 

Posted: 17 May 2019
A healthy and happy workforce

In this weeks blog, Acting Chief Executive Damian Riley talks about health, wellbeing and our staff

Posted: 10 May 2019
Staff health and wellbeing vitally important

Well, what a busy week. You’ve perhaps heard me say that I am going to focus on three big areas....

Posted: 3 May 2019

What a great pleasure it is to write this blog and the first thing I have to do is say a big “thank you”...

Posted: 26 April 2019
Staff are the lifeblood of ELHT

In this week’s blog I want to pay tribute to all the staff and volunteers who....

Posted: 18 April 2019
Happy Easter!

In this weeks blog, Chief Executive, Kevin McGee discusses Easter, reminding you how to stay well over the long bank holiday and calls on you all to nominate your inspirational nurses and midwives!

Posted: 12 April 2019
Inclusion and a great big thank you!

Chief Executive, Kevin McGee discusses our festival of inclusion, highlighting one of our community based services and also reinforcing a great big thankyou from Simon Stevens, Chief Executive of NHS England.

Posted: 5 April 2019
Springing forward

Chief Executive, Kevin McGee discusses being more active, improvements in ambulance handover times and compassionate care in this week's blog.