Latest news stories from ELHT

Find out what’s been going on recently at the Trust. 

Posted: 24 December 2022
COVID vaccination centres in East Lancashire officially close

Employees of East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust have been thanked for their hard work as the mass vaccination hubs at Barbara Castle Way, Blackburn and Charter Walk Shopping Centre, Burnley officially close.

Posted: 14 December 2022
Celebrating with the Prince's Trust

A celebration event took place on Friday 9 December to showcase a partnership between East Lancashire Hospitals Trust and the Prince’s Trust.

Posted: 21 November 2022
Think! about the right service to use 

People who need medical attention are being reminded to think about the right service to use to help reduce the amount time they spend waiting to be seen. 

Posted: 9 November 2022
Occupational therapists share their ‘life hacks’
Posted: 1 November 2022
ELHT's Research and Development recruit patients to Harmonie study

Our Research and Development team have recently become the first unit to recruit patients in the HARMONIE Research Study in the Greater Manchester Network. The HARMONIE Research Study is looking at how strongly babies can be protected from serious illness due to Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) infection.

Posted: 21 October 2022
Giving HOPE - ELHT midwives honoured with National Safeguarding Award

Two midwives who have been helping create connection boxes for women who are at risk of being separated from their baby at birth, have been recognised for their work.

Posted: 20 October 2022
ELHT departments recognised for providing SPEC-tacular care