Latest blog posts from the CEO

Chief Executive Martin Hodgson issues a weekly blog to discuss his thoughts on what has been happening within the Trust and also how national or even world events affect patients and staff here at ELHT. 

Posted: 8 December 2017
Christmas is Coming!

Chief Executive Kevin McGee is feeling festive this week in his latest blog.

Posted: 1 December 2017
Excellence, achievement and....iPads!

Well it’s certainly been a busy week, with lots to tell you about. I even managed to write a mini-midweek blog on Wednesday!

Posted: 29 November 2017
A huge 'thank you'

Chief Executive Kevin McGee writes a mini mid-week blog to thank staff for all their hard word during an extremely busy time.

Posted: 24 November 2017
A focus on safety

Chief Executive Kevin McGee talks about providing Safe, Personal, Effective care, staying safe and meeting demand in his latest blog.

Posted: 17 November 2017
Awards, antibiotics and advanced practice

Kevin McGee discusses winter pressures and award s in his latest blog.

Posted: 10 November 2017
Remembrance and searching for STARs

Chief Executive, Kevin McGee discusses Armistice Day, our own STAR awards and equality in his latest blog.

Posted: 3 November 2017
A new start, a new opportunity!

Newcomer Jamie Ridealgh is this week’s guest blogger, sharing his perspective on joining the Trust and navigating through the assortment of information which aims to keep staff in-the-know, connected and engaged.