Latest blog posts from the CEO

Chief Executive Martin Hodgson issues a weekly blog to discuss his thoughts on what has been happening within the Trust and also how national or even world events affect patients and staff here at ELHT. 

Posted: 25 October 2018
Every Person Plays a Part!

Hello everyone, happy Friday! I hope you’ve all had a good week and are ready for the weekend. I’m off on holiday after today, so there’ll be a guest blogger next week.

Posted: 19 October 2018
Quality Shines Through

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog. Judging by the sunny weather we’ve enjoyed the past few days, I can’t believe it’s officially autumn.

Posted: 12 October 2018
Living Our Values

This week, Chief Executive Kevin McGee discusses how our values are embedded in everything we do.

Posted: 5 October 2018
Speak out this Stoptober

Chief Executive, Kevin McGee discusses the importance of speaking up in this weeks blog.

Posted: 28 September 2018
10,000 successes and much more!

The CQC inspection has been completed. I want to say a huge thank you to you all for your enthusiasm and willingness to engage, and share your experiences and views.

Posted: 21 September 2018
It’s been an ‘Extreme’ week

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog this week. As ever, there is a lot to tell you.

The week began on a high note as I attended our NICU in Burnley to see....

Posted: 14 September 2018
Wards, rewards and awards!

Hello everyone, it’s Friday again. Already!

Welcome to what is a bit of a ‘mega-blog’. It’s been an incredibly busy week, with lots to tell you about, so without further ado I’ll crack on with the news.