Published on: 11 January 2019

Kevin McGee Flu Fighter 2018.jpg

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog for this week.


Did you see us featured on BBC Breakfast and BBC 5 Live on Monday? They were here as part of their coverage of the new NHS Long Term Plan. They came to look at some of the fantastic services provided in our communities and neighbourhoods by integrated teams representing all parts of health, care and voluntary sectors to ensure local patients get a joined up service as close as possible to, or in, their own home. Publication of the NHS Long Term Plan has been widely welcomed and we are particularly pleased that it endorses the work that is already well under way in Pennine Lancashire as part of the ‘Together a Healthier Future’ Programme (TAHF). You can read more about the NHS Long Term Plan here.


Both the TAHF and the NHS Plan, and ourselves as an organisation, recognise the importance of our patients and the public being at the heart of our services as they develop and improve.  ELHT is setting up a Public Participation Panel and there’s an event on 17 January here in Blackburn for anyone who may be interested in being a part of that.  You can find more information here.  Perhaps you don’t want to be on the panel but are happy to support us as part of a wider public reference group? If that’s the case, why not join our members mailing list? We will send you our newsletter and briefings, and get your views and opinions occasionally.  Email us at if you are interested.


It was our Trust board meeting on Wednesday and we were joined by a member of staff who attended to give a ‘patient story’ detailing her experience as a close family member of a patient who has recently passed away from cancer. Carrie Hornby was full of praise for the chemotherapy team and other staff she and her family had contact with, and was overwhelmed, particularly by the compassion and kindness they all received.  The family went on to raise funds for the chemotherapy ward through a golf tournament – something they intend to repeat.  It is always satisfying, though never surprising, when patients and families speak so highly of our staff. Thank you to all.


Compassion and kindness are, of course, fundamental to the service we provide to patients and families.  I am equally committed to a culture where compassion and kindness are fundamental to our leadership as well.  We are making great progress in this area and the latest development is the launch this week of our Early Resolution Policy.  This takes a more positive approach to workplace issues, promoting resolution and mediation as opposed to grievance and isolation.  You can find out more on the HR Portal via the Resolution button.


I’d like to give a special mention to all our staff in the Emergency Department who have had a really difficult week with considerable pressure in the department. Of course, this is something of a constant, but this week has been very testing.  Thank you to all of you for your ongoing resilience and dedication.  Thanks also to the rest of our staff who continually try to ease the pressure by maintaining flow - Every Minute Matters, Every Person Plays a Part.


I am delighted to confirm that work began this week on our new outdoor play area for our Children’s Department.  This is a much needed addition to our facilities and our little patients will be thrilled when it opens in the Spring. This wonderful development is entirely due to the kindness of our friends in the EG Group who are funding everything.  Thank you so much EG Group! Can’t wait to see it finished.


Finally for this week, a reminder of the looming closing date for our Star Awards – you haven’t got long, so nominate now!


So, until next time folks, have a great weekend.