Empower for labour and birth

The EMPower package will be there to support you, your partner and/or birthing partners through birth preparation. It will provide information that is relevant to you and your own experience. It provides the options to support your own experiences with tools such as knowledge and relaxation techniques.

Being a part of EMPower you will:

  • Feel much more prepared for your labour and birth
  • Feel more confident and in control of your own experience
  • Be able to understand the physiological changes and processes that birth entails
  • Learn the skills to help you birth the way you want to and reduce the need for medical intervention
  • Continue to bond with your baby throughout the process
  • Work together with your partner and/or birthing partner to achieve a positive birth for all involved

Download Session 1

Download Session 2

EMPower for breastfeeding (antenatal)

The breastfeeding download consists of a relaxation containing Baby Friendly information which includes attaching your baby onto your breast, close loving relationships and skin to skin. This download will sit alongside all the conversations you will have during your pregnancy with your midwife. The download enables you to settle back, relax within the comfort of your own home and enjoy being with your baby, feeling your baby move, interacting with your baby. Relaxation helps release endorphins; these are our feel good hormones. Pregnancy is about building a relationship with your baby.

Download audio clip here

You can also find more information about breastfeeding and infant feeding here.

EMPower for enhanced recovery

Babies born by caesarean births.

This download is designed to help mothers and their birth partners to feel more confident, calm and relaxed. Feel more in control, to feel a part of their birth experience. It also contains a script to help aid relaxation.

The Enhanced recovery programme is a modern based approach that helps women who are undergoing surgery to recover more quickly, make informed choices and are as healthy as possible before receiving treatment.

Download Audio Clip here

EMPower for latent labour

At the start of labour, the cervix starts to soften so it can open. This is called the latent phase, and you may feel irregular contractions. It can take many hours, or even days, before you're in established labour.

Established labour is when your cervix has dilated to more than 3cm and regular contractions are opening the cervix.

During the latent phase, it's a good idea to have something to eat and drink as you'll need the energy once labour is established. The use of relaxation techniques can also be very helpful.

The EMPower download for latent labour will help to guide you through this stage, using breathing and relaxation.

Further reading

Self-hypnosis for intrapartum pain management in pregnant nulliparous women: a randomised controlled trial of clinical effectiveness.

Unexpected consequences: women’s experiences of a self-hypnosis intervention to help with pain relief during labour


Please note for ALL audio clips: © 2018 East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust.  All rights reserved.  Not to be reproduce in whole or in part without the permission of the copyright holder.

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