Bumps, Birth and Beyond (BBB) - is a three-week antenatal education package offered to all parents to be. The course comprises of 3 x 2-hour sessions delivered over three consecutive weeks. It is advised you attend around 30- 32wks pregnant.

Week 1—Midwife delivered session covering:
  • Birthplace options and tour details to view same
  • Physiology of labour, birth and immediate post-birth period
  • Recognising the signs of labour, who to contact and when
  • Coping strategies for labour, and ways to encourage normal progression—including natural and pharmaco- logical pain relief options
  • Awareness of common deviations from normality in labour and how they are managed
  • ·Relaxation techniques
  • Options for the immediate post-birth period (e.g. skin to skin, Vitamin K, initiating feeding)
  • Postnatal self-care—wound care, perineal hygiene, pelvic floor exercises
  • Postnatal care provision


Week 2—Health visitor delivered session covering:
  • The role of your health visitor
  • Safer sleeping
  • Bonding and early attachment
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Feeding support and advice
  • Baby clinics and how to access help


Week 3—Children's centre staff delivered session covering:
  • Practicalities with a newborn
  • Early parenting journey
  • Local services and classes
  • Bonding and early attachment

*Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, face to face sessions are not currently being offered. Options for antenatal education are currently online and include free or additional cost courses.


FREE Online courses:


In Our Place—https://inourplace.heiapply.com/online-learning/

Better births—https://www.lancashireandsouthcumbria.icb.nhs.uk/our-work/betterbirths/CareGivers/preparing-birth-and-parenthood