Most patients are admitted to hospital on the day of surgery. You will be given instructions to attend the Surgical Admissions and Day Unit (SADU) at a specific time depending on what time your operation is planned.

SADU is accessed by an entrance at the side of the building - turn right before entering the main doors of the hospital, up the slope and SADU is on the left. There is also parking for dropping off directly outside SADU, this can be accessed from the entrance opposite KFC. Follow the road round and up the hill towards the main hospital building.


PXL_20210929_095334012.PORTRAIT.jpgAt you pre-op assessment you will be given a pack that includes a sachet of Preload. Please read the information you have been given carefully.

  • This is a carbohydrate drink that is consumed before you have your operation
  • Preload gives your body a little boost to help with the stress of surgery and help to maintain some balance
  • The drink is mixed with 400ml of water and has a neutral flavour
  • You will be given instructions on how and when to take your Preload depending on what time your operation is planned
  • You will not be given Preload if you are an insulin dependent diabetic

You can click here to view further Preload information.

Extra information

You may be seen by many clinical people on arrival and asked lots of questions. Please bear with us if you are asked the same questions more than once, this is for your safety. Following this blood tests, observation checks and paperwork will be carried out.

You will be given a theatre gown to change into and shown to a waiting area, there are seperate male and female areas. It is always our intention to limit waiting times, but please be aware that we have lots of operating theatres running during the day and people will be in the waiting areas for different lengths of time.

Your belongings will be labelled and put into a locker. Staff will ensure these are brought to you after your operation on Critical Care or the Post Operative Care Unit (POCU).