Preload is a sachet of carbohydrate powder. When added to water it is a neutral-tasting carbohydrate drink for pre- operative dietary management for patients undergoing surgery

Who takes preload? You may be asked to take preload as part of your pre-operative care. Pre-operative assessment clinic will advise you and give you the sachets to take home unless you are being admitted the day before surgery when you will be given it on the ward.

Picture of Preload packet

When to take Preload You will be given 1 sachet of Preload at pre assessment clinic.

  • If you have received bowel preparation, please follow these instructions for diet and fluids.
  • If you have not received bowel preparation, on the evening before surgery you will need to have a nutritious meal and drink plenty of fluids.

In both instances if your admission is at 7.30am you will need to drink your pre-load sachet mixed with water at 6am. If your admission is at 11.30am then drink your sachet at 10am.

Please follow these instructions unless advised by the Pre-Assessment nurse.


Step 1 measure out 400mls (approx. 2/3 of a pint) of water in to a jug.

Step 2 add the contents of 1 sachet of Preload into the jug and stir until the powder has dissolved.

Step 3 pour into a large glass/beaker and drink

Image of measuring out Preload and water

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. - Can I add cordial to it?

A. - You can as long as you avoid any red products as it can stain the bowel or leave a residue.

Q. - Can I take it with bowel prep? (Only for patients who have been asked to take bowel prep)

A. - We appreciate it is a lot of fluid to take so please try and stagger your bowel prep with your preload.

Q. - Can I have the 6am preload if I’ve been asked to be nil by mouth from midnight?

A. - You can, as long as you just add water and no cordial and have nothing else to drink after the preload at 6am.

Caution - Please DO NOT take Preload if you are an insulin dependent diabetic.

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