Latest news stories from ELHT
Find out what’s been going on recently at the Trust.
Fundraisers Urged to Put Best Foot Forward for £1 Million Appeal
ELHT&Me, your local hospital’s charity, is encouraging fitness fundraisers to ‘walk the walk’ this summer and support the charity’s £1 Million Appeal to improve the patient experience at our area’s five NHS hospitals.
Rakehead Rehabilitation Unit’s Record Raffle
More than £500 has been raised by staff at the Rakehead Rehabilitation Centre at Burnley General Teaching Hospital to improve the environment for patients and visitors.
What are the chances? Sisters give birth on same night at Blackburn Birth Centre
Two sisters from Darwen delivered their babies on the same night at Blackburn Birth Centre on Wednesday night/Thursday morning.
Home First service supporting happy families
Alex Townsend (Integrated Clinical Lead for ICAT and IHSS) went out to meet Mrs Slater and her daughter Jane to listen to what she had to say about her Home First experience.
New mental health service for armed forces veterans
A new mental health service for armed forces veterans in the north of England is being rolled out from this month.
Hospital chaplain’s self-harm research gains national recognition
Work led by a hospital chaplain from East Lancashire at improving the experience of patients affected by mental health issues has achieved national recognition.
East Lancs doctor wins excellence award from patients
An anaesthetist at both Burnley General and Royal Blackburn teaching hospitals has received a certificate of excellence after getting more than 50 outstanding feedback from his patients.