Latest blog posts from the CEO

Chief Executive Martin Hodgson issues a weekly blog to discuss his thoughts on what has been happening within the Trust and also how national or even world events affect patients and staff here at ELHT. 

Posted: 13 July 2018
Another exciting week!

Hello everyone - can you believe it's Friday again already? It's the end of another exciting week for me, and the Trust.

It began with HSJ Patient Safety Congress in Manchester......

Posted: 6 July 2018
Happy Birthday to us!

What a fabulous week this has been celebrating NHS70. For me, it has been very poignant. I have always been extremely proud to work in the NHS and feel privileged to have the position I do, at the head of this really great organisation.

Posted: 29 June 2018
Sunshine, Smiles and Celebrations

Hello everyone - it's Friday afternoon and, like many of you, I have my fingers crossed that the good weather we’ve enjoyed recently will last throughout the weekend and into next week.

Posted: 22 June 2018
Respect is important and takes many forms

One of the things that I am most satisfied about here at ELHT is the way our vision and values are so clearly understood, and actively demonstrated by our staff. They breathe life into our organisation – guiding and inspiring all of our actions and decisions.

Posted: 15 June 2018
From Parkruns to cycling

Chief Executive Kevin McGee has had a very active week. Read all about in in this week's blog!

Posted: 8 June 2018
Quality always shines through!

Here at ELHT, we are always trying to improve. Whilst patient safety is our number one priority, we place a great deal of focus on the quality of our service and do everything we can to enhance the patient experience. Next week, we will be issuing our Trust Quality Handbook

Posted: 1 June 2018
Celebs, stars and Ramadan!

The ‘Big Butt Clean Up’ took place yesterday with staff and visitors volunteering their time to pick up cigarette butts at the Royal Blackburn.