Latest blog posts from the CEO

Chief Executive Martin Hodgson issues a weekly blog to discuss his thoughts on what has been happening within the Trust and also how national or even world events affect patients and staff here at ELHT. 

Posted: 8 February 2019
Working Together

This week I want to highlight the importance of working together.

Posted: 1 February 2019
A chilly but happy week at ELHT
Posted: 25 January 2019
You matter!

In this week's blog, Chief Executive Kevin McGee discusses staff health and wellbeing, women's services and the importance of of taking up the invite for the smear test.

Posted: 18 January 2019
Quality shines through!

Positive patient and relative feedback, our excellent staff and the new Older Peoples Rapid Assessment (OPRA) Unit are the topics in Chief Executive Kevin McGee's blog this week.

Posted: 11 January 2019
We're here for the long term!

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog for this week.

Did you see us featured on BBC Breakfast and BBC 5 Live on Monday?

Posted: 4 January 2019
Looking forward to the year ahead at ELHT
Posted: 21 December 2018
Merry Christmas, one and all

And so this is Christmas, I hope you have fun! Yes, it’s another first line of a Christmas song to start this, my last blog of the year.