Latest charity news stories from ELHT
Find out what’s been going on recently at the Trust.
Blackburn based international petrol forecourt retail convenience operator, EG Group, has made another significant donation to our local hospital charity, ELHT&Me.
Hundreds of hospital staff and members of the community took part in the first ever Big NHS Walk....
Fancy a cuppa? Post- natal ward raises £190 in tea tray donations and launches £3,000 campaign
The post-natal ward based at Lancashire Women and Newborn Centre has raised £190.18 for the hospital’s charity, ELHT&Me, from collection tins at the tea and coffee stations, and a raffle.
New Mayor of Burnley pledges support to local hospital charity
Councillor Anne Kelly, who was announced as Mayor of Burnley on 15 May at Burnley Town Hall, has pledged her support to ELHT&Me, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust’s charity.
Midwives celebrate 'International Day of the Midwife' by raising over £500 for local hospital charity
A team of midwives from Blackburn Birth Centre took part in a charity ‘bag pack’ on Sunday 5 May, International Day of the Midwife.
Trust STAR Awards raffle raises £2,000 for local hospital charity
The charity raffle held at the East Lancashire Hospitals 2019 STAR Awards on 3 May raised £2,000 for the hospital’s charity, ELHT&Me.
EG Group step up support for hospitals’ charity
We are delighted to announce a strengthening of the relationship between the EG Group and our hospitals’ charity, ELHT&Me.
Multiple donations boost for Pendle Community Hospital
Patients and staff at Pendle Community Hospital continue to benefit from the hard work of volunteer charity, the Friends of Pendle Community Hospital and....