Filled Shifts vs. Unfilled Shifts
FY 2023/2024
Medical & Dental
Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)
including Scientific, Therapeutic and Technical Staff
Nursing & Midwifery
including Health Care Assistants (HCAs)
Non-Medical Non-Clinical (NMNC)
including Admin & Clerical and Estates & Facilities
Number of Shifts Filled by Staff Bank
Number of Shifts Filled by Agency
Number of Shifts Unfilled
Staff Bank
FY 2023/2024
Medical & Dental
Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)
including Scientific, Therapeutic and Technical Staff
Nursing & Midwifery
including Health Care Assistants (HCAs)
Non-Medical Non-Clinical (NMNC)
including Admin & Clerical and Estates & Facilities
Total Bank Spend
Number of Bank Hours Worked
Name of Staff Bank Provider(s)*
Contract Expiry Date with Provider(s)
Type of Staff Bank(s) Procured**
Type of Bank Service(s) Procured***
Contact Name****
* If a staff bank is not currently utilised, please state ‘No Provider’. If a staff bank is solely managed in-house and with no staff bank technology procured, please state ‘In-House’.
** Please advise of the type of staff bank(s) provided by the staff bank provider(s). Please state ‘Local Bank Only’ or please state ‘Collaborative Bank’ if a regional bank has been procured. Please state ‘Both’ if both have been procured.
*** Please advise of the type of bank service(s) procured with the staff bank provider(s). Please state ‘Managed Service’ if the staff bank provider(s) help grow and/or engage and/or retain the bank, or please state if a ‘Technology Only’ service is procured.
**** Please provide the name of the lead responsible person who looks after the staff bank(s). If there are multiple people for each staffing group, please name each relevant person.
FY 2023/2024
Medical & Dental
Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)
including Scientific, Therapeutic and Technical Staff
Nursing & Midwifery
including Health Care Assistants (HCAs)
Non-Medical Non-Clinical (NMNC)
including Admin & Clerical and Estates & Facilities
Total Agency Spend
Number of Agency Hours Worked
Name of Agency Staffing Provider or PSL*
Contract Expiry Date with Provider
Name of Vendor Management System (VMS) Provider**
Contract Expiry Date with Provider
Contact Name***
* Please provide the name of the neutral vendor (NV) or master vendor (MV) managed service provider/agency staffing provider, or if Preferred Supplier List in place, please state 'PSL'. If there is no provider or PSL, please state ‘No Provider’.
** Please provide the name of the VMS technology provider. If same as agency staffing provider above, please state 'Same As Above'. If no VMS technology is currently utilised for agency cascade, please state ‘No Provider’.
*** Please provide the name of the lead responsible person who looks after temporary agency staffing. If there are multiple people for each staffing group, please name each relevant person.
Direct Engagement (DE) - in relation to VAT saving on agency spend
FY 2023/2024
Medical & Dental
Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)
including Scientific, Therapeutic and Technical Staff
Nursing & Midwifery
including Health Care Assistants (HCAs)
Non-Medical Non-Clinical (NMNC)
including Admin & Clerical and Estates & Facilities
Name of DE Provider*
Type of DE Service Procured**
DE Payroll Responsibility***
Contract Expiry Date with Provider
% of Agency Workers on DE Contracts
Total VAT Saving (£) Achieved****
Contact Name*****
* If a DE model is not currently utilised, please state ‘No Provider’. If a DE model is utilised, but not via a DE provider as managed fully in-house, please state ‘In-House’.
** Please advise of the type of DE service procured with the DE provider. Please state if the DE provider delivers a ‘Managed Service’ with agency and/or worker engagement, or if the DE provider delivers a ‘Technology Only’ service?
*** Please advise who payrolls DE workers. Please state ‘DE Provider’ if the DE provider payrolls workers, or if this is done in-house please state ‘In-House’. If this is carried out by another payroll organisation, please name the organisation.
**** Please state total VAT savings achieved through DE, pre any DE provider fees (if applicable).
***** Please provide the name of the lead responsible person who looks after Direct Engagement (DE). If this contact is the same as the lead responsible person for agency staffing, please still input the contact’s name.