Reference | FOI 2024-037 |
Description | Logistical robots in healthcare environments |
Date Requested | 12/04/24 |
Date Replied | 23/04/24 |
Category | Pharmacy Contact details Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Surgical Robots |
We are undertaking some research to better understand the current levels of use of logistical robots in the UK hospitals, noting a perceived slow adoption compared to other sectors. One of our aims is to understand their impacts in healthcare environments, as technologies that could potentially reduce ‘non-nursing activities' for nursing and auxiliary staff, such as food/linen delivery and housekeeping services. We are also looking at possible barriers when it comes to their implementation.
Logistical Robots in Healthcare Environments
An extensive study conducted in the US, Canada, and Germany showcased that around 40% of nurses’ time is dedicated to ‘non-value adding’ and ‘non-nursing activities’, that include delivering food trays and housekeeping services (Fragapane et al., 2020). This is a significant amount of time and effort that could be re-allocated to human-centric tasks, such as patient care. Labour-intensive, monotonous, and repetitive tasks that carry high risk of human errors and potential threats to health and safety could be better assigned to automation technology.
In the UK, there are a limited number of hospitals employing these technologies; one of them boasted the UK’s first robotic transport system with 13 robots moving food, linen, and waste. This might raise a question, why are UK hospitals not progressively using logistical robots to alleviate the strain on workforce? To answer this question, we are undertaking a survey via Freedom of Information to better understand the current use of logistical robots in the UK hospitals, their impacts, the decisions behind the implementation (or non-implementation) of the robots, and any possible barriers from the hospital’s point of view in introducing these technologies. We would greatly appreciate if you could answer all the relevant questions to assist us with this study in the preferred format that has been given.
- Does your organisation employ or utilise the use of logistical robots, or advanced equipment that can assist in operational tasks in a healthcare setting?
- Please select all box(es) that apply. If nothing applies, please proceed to Question 5.
- In the case the robot is multifunctional, please select one that best suits its primary purpose.
- In the case of multiple models and manufacturers under one application, please use the extra page given at the end of this form.
- For the purpose of this study, we are looking at logistical and supporting robots, with the exclusion of surgical and clinical robots (C-Arm, phlebotomy robots, exoskeleton/therapy robots, etc.). The term ‘robot’ used in this study refers to an advanced equipment or hardware that has an autonomous capability and can operate with minimal to no human intervention.
☐Delivery or transportation robots (delivering inpatient meals, empty food trays, medicines, samples/specimens, linen, etc.)
If yes, could you please give a general specification of the product/s:
Main delivery item : Food / Medicine / Specimen / Linen / Other
If Other :
Manufacturer :
Model :
Year of installation :
Generation : First/ Second/ Third/ Others
Other functions? :
☐Customer service/helper/care robot (greeting and assisting visitors in wayfinding and digital check-in, choosing inpatient meal options, etc.)
If yes, could you please give a general specification of the product/s:
Manufacturer :
Model :
Year of installation :
Generation : First/ Second/ Third/ Others
Other functions? :
☐Waste management robot (transporting waste, sorting waste, recycling, etc.)
If yes, could you please give a general specification of the product/s:
Manufacturer :
Model :
Year of installation :
Generation : First/ Second/ Third/ Others
Other functions? :
☐Cleaning or disinfecting robot (vacuuming, mopping, scrubbing, UV disinfecting, etc.)
If yes, could you please give a general specification of the product/s:
Manufacturer :
Model :
Year of installation :
Generation : First/ Second/ Third/ Others
Other functions? :
☐Pharmacy robots (sorting, storing, dispensing, etc.)
If yes, could you please give a general specification of the product/s:
Manufacturer :
Model :
Year of installation :
Generation : First/ Second/ Third/ Others
Other functions? :
☐Manual handling robots (goods reception, sorting, storing, etc.)
If yes, could you please give a general specification of the product/s:
Manufacturer :
Model :
Year of installation :
Generation : First/ Second/ Third/ Others
Other functions? :
☐CSSD robots (sterile instrument automatic storing, packaging, delivering, etc.)
If yes, could you please give a general specification of the product/s:
Manufacturer :
Model :
Year of installation :
Generation : First/ Second/ Third/ Others
Other functions? :
☐Other logistical robots
Application/purposes :
Manufacturer :
Model :
Year of installation :
Generation : First/ Second/ Third/ Others
- Was the installation of the robot(s) part of the hospital’s development (as a new build, refurbishment, department enhancement, renovation, etc.) or a dedicated retrofit?
Type of Robot |
Planned |
Retrofit |
- When planning the use of robots, could you please tell us of any design decision(s) or adjustment(s) needed, if any, that was made to the hospital infrastructure and building design to enable their use? (E.g. installation of automatic doors, dedicated FM routes, adjustment to lifts etc.)
- What were the main intentions behind the decision to implement the robot(s)? What evidence-based factors supported the decision to implement the robot(s) i.e., savings projection?
Type of Robot |
Purpose of Use |
Choose all that apply ☐Easing staff physical workload ☐Increasing efficiency of task ☐Repurposing staff time for patient-centric tasks ☐Reducing human error ☐Maximising working hours ☐Others, please explain below_____
Choose all that apply ☐Easing staff physical workload ☐Increasing efficiency of task ☐Repurposing staff time for patient-centric tasks ☐Reducing human error ☐Maximising working hours ☐Others, please explain below_____
Have the robot(s) delivered the benefits envisaged when first considering using them? Please could you outline the positive and negative impacts of the robot(s) to the staff, patients, visitors, the hospital environment, and other stakeholders in the hospital:
Type of Robot |
Impacts |
How does it serve its purpose? Are benefits realised in time and labour saving and operational efficiency? Is the system reliable? Is there a high uptime and is maintenance manageable? How does it affect its surrounding? How do the staff and patient interact with it? Are you considering the continuity or increased use of this type of robot?
- Please only answer these questions if you are unable to answer Question 1-4
- Has the organisation considered implementing logistical robots?
- If yes, is the organisation going to implement logistical robots in the next 5 years?
If yes, what kind of logistical robot(s) and what is its intended purpose(s)?
Choose all that apply
☐ Delivery or transportation robots
(Delivering inpatient meals, empty food trays, medicines, specimens, linen, etc.)
☐ Customer service/helper/care robot
(Greeting and assisting visitors in wayfinding and digital check-in, choosing inpatient meal options, etc.)
☐ Waste management robot (transporting waste, sorting waste, recycling, etc.)
☐ Cleaning or disinfecting robot (vacuuming, mopping, scrubbing, UV disinfecting, etc.)
☐ Pharmacy robots (sorting, storing, dispensing, etc.)
☐ Manual handling robots (goods reception, sorting, storing, etc.)
☐ CSSD robots (sterile instrument automatic storing, packaging, delivering, etc.)
☐ Other, please explain_______
- If No, please share some of the reasons why you are not going to consider implementing logistical robots or decided not to proceed:
Choose all that apply
☐Cost of the robot(s)
☐Limited funding / higher priorities towards other areas of improvement
☐Lack of evidence supporting the effectiveness and functionalities of the robot(s)
☐Lack of requirement due to ease of recruitment for human personnel/manpower
☐Complexity in implementation (lengthy business case, etc.)
☐Requirement for staff training
☐Existing infrastructure preventing the installation of enabling works (guide routes, automatic doors, wide corridors, sufficient vertical access, etc.)
☐Staff uncertainty/unease towards new technologies and possible replacement of staff
☐Satisfactory solution already exists, i.e., pneumatic tube, cage tug, contracted out food/linen service
☐Others, please explain_______________
- Please could contact details be provided of anyone within the Trust who would be willing to take part in a more detailed discussion about automating logistical processes?
1. Does your organisation employ or utilise the use of logistical robots, or advanced equipment that can assist in operational tasks in a healthcare setting?
- Please select all box(es) that apply. If nothing applies, please proceed to Question 5.
- In the case the robot is multifunctional, please select one that best suits its primary purpose.
- In the case of multiple models and manufacturers under one application, please use the extra page given at the end of this form.
- For the purpose of this study, we are looking at logistical and supporting robots, with the exclusion of surgical and clinical robots (C-Arm, phlebotomy robots, exoskeleton/therapy robots, etc.). The term ‘robot’ used in this study refers to an advanced equipment or hardware that has an autonomous capability and can operate with minimal to no human intervention.
Estates & Facilities – No, so as requested have gone to Question 5.
Pharmacy – Yes, Manual handling robots, see below
☐Delivery or transportation robots (delivering inpatient meals, empty food trays, medicines, samples/specimens, linen, etc.)
If yes, could you please give a general specification of the product/s:
Main delivery item : Food / Medicine / Specimen / Linen / Other
If Other :
Manufacturer :
Model :
Year of installation :
Generation : First/ Second/ Third/ Others
Other functions? :
☐Customer service/helper/care robot (greeting and assisting visitors in wayfinding and digital check-in, choosing inpatient meal options, etc.)
If yes, could you please give a general specification of the product/s:
Manufacturer :
Model :
Year of installation :
Generation : First/ Second/ Third/ Others
Other functions? :
☐Waste management robot (transporting waste, sorting waste, recycling, etc.)
If yes, could you please give a general specification of the product/s:
Manufacturer :
Model :
Year of installation :
Generation : First/ Second/ Third/ Others
Other functions? :
☐Cleaning or disinfecting robot (vacuuming, mopping, scrubbing, UV disinfecting, etc.)
If yes, could you please give a general specification of the product/s:
Manufacturer :
Model :
Year of installation :
Generation : First/ Second/ Third/ Others
Other functions? :
☐Pharmacy robots (sorting, storing, dispensing, etc.)
If yes, could you please give a general specification of the product/s:
Manufacturer :
Model :
Year of installation :
Generation : First/ Second/ Third/ Others
Other functions? :
☒ Manual handling robots (goods reception, sorting, storing, etc.)
If yes, could you please give a general specification of the product/s:
Manufacturer : BD
Model : Rowa
Year of installation : 2023
Generation : First/ Second/ Third/ Others
Other functions? : Integration with pharmacy dispensing system.
☐CSSD robots (sterile instrument automatic storing, packaging, delivering, etc.)
If yes, could you please give a general specification of the product/s:
Manufacturer :
Model :
Year of installation :
Generation : First/ Second/ Third/ Others
Other functions? :
☐Other logistical robots
Application/purposes :
Manufacturer :
Model :
Year of installation :
Generation : First/ Second/ Third/ Others
2. Was the installation of the robot(s) part of the hospital’s development (as a new build, refurbishment, department enhancement, renovation, etc.) or a dedicated retrofit?
Type of Robot |
Planned |
Retrofit |
Pharmacy robot |
X |
3. When planning the use of robots, could you please tell us of any design decision(s) or adjustment(s) needed, if any, that was made to the hospital infrastructure and building design to enable their use? (E.g. installation of automatic doors, dedicated FM routes, adjustment to lifts etc.)
4. What were the main intentions behind the decision to implement the robot(s)? What evidence-based factors supported the decision to implement the robot(s) i.e., savings projection?
Type of Robot |
Purpose of Use |
Pharmacy robot |
Choose all that apply ☒Easing staff physical workload ☒Increasing efficiency of task ☒Repurposing staff time for patient-centric tasks ☒Reducing human error ☒Maximising working hours ☐Others, please explain below_____
Choose all that apply ☐Easing staff physical workload ☐Increasing efficiency of task ☐Repurposing staff time for patient-centric tasks ☐Reducing human error ☐Maximising working hours ☐Others, please explain below_____
Have the robot(s) delivered the benefits envisaged when first considering using them? Please could you outline the positive and negative impacts of the robot(s) to the staff, patients, visitors, the hospital environment, and other stakeholders in the hospital:
Type of Robot |
Impacts |
Pharmacy robot |
How does it serve its purpose? Are benefits realised in time and labour saving and operational efficiency? Yes Is the system reliable? Is there a high uptime and is maintenance manageable? Yes How does it affect its surrounding? No impact How do the staff and patient interact with it? Only staff Are you considering the continuity or increased use of this type of robot? N/A
5. Please only answer these questions if you are unable to answer Question 1-4
a. Has the organisation considered implementing logistical robots?
b. If yes, is the organisation going to implement logistical robots in the next 5 years?
If yes, what kind of logistical robot(s) and what is its intended purpose(s)?
Choose all that apply
☐ Delivery or transportation robots
(Delivering inpatient meals, empty food trays, medicines, specimens, linen, etc.)
☐ Customer service/helper/care robot
(Greeting and assisting visitors in wayfinding and digital check-in, choosing inpatient meal options, etc.)
☐ Waste management robot (transporting waste, sorting waste, recycling, etc.)
☐ Cleaning or disinfecting robot (vacuuming, mopping, scrubbing, UV disinfecting, etc.)
☐ Pharmacy robots (sorting, storing, dispensing, etc.)
☐ Manual handling robots (goods reception, sorting, storing, etc.)
☐ CSSD robots (sterile instrument automatic storing, packaging, delivering, etc.)
☐ Other, please explain_______
c. If No, please share some of the reasons why you are not going to consider implementing logistical robots or decided not to proceed:
Choose all that apply
☐Cost of the robot(s)
☐Limited funding / higher priorities towards other areas of improvement
☒Lack of evidence supporting the effectiveness and functionalities of the robot(s)
☐Lack of requirement due to ease of recruitment for human personnel/manpower
☐Complexity in implementation (lengthy business case, etc.)
☐Requirement for staff training
☒Existing infrastructure preventing the installation of enabling works (guide routes, automatic doors, wide corridors, sufficient vertical access, etc.)
☐Staff uncertainty/unease towards new technologies and possible replacement of staff
☐Satisfactory solution already exists, i.e., pneumatic tube, cage tug, contracted out food/linen service
☐Others, please explain_______________
6. Please could contact details be provided of anyone within the Trust who would be willing to take part in a more detailed discussion about automating logistical processes?
Head of Estates and Facilities
The Trust does not supply details of members of staff unless they are already in the public domain. Contact details are also not provided unless these are public.
Structures for divisions are located on the Corporate Governance page of the Trust website
Information relating to the board, including email address is on the Trust board page
The Trust does not supply contact details of staff, such as names, email addresses and telephone numbers, unless these are routinely published on our website or already in the public domain. Such information is classed as personal identifiable information and, therefore, is considered exempt from disclosure under Section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act. Direct email addresses are not disclosed in line with Regulation 22 of the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 which states that:
“A person shall neither transmit, nor instigate the transmission of, unsolicited communications for the purposes of direct marketing by means of electronic mail unless the recipient of the electronic mail has previously notified the sender that he consents for the time being to such communications being sent by, or at the instigation of, the sender.”
Should you wish to contact a member of staff, please contact the Trust switchboard on 01254 263555 and ask to be directed to them.
Requests for information must be made in writing. Telephone requests cannot be accepted. We accept requests in the form of:
- Letter
Send your request to:
Freedom of Information Requests
East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
Information Governance
Corporate Offices Building
Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital
Haslingden Road
Or email:
You must include your full contact details, stating in what format you would like to receive the information.