A ganglion is a lump under your skin that contains fluid.

Ganglions usually form near joints. One in three ganglions form near the wrist. They are also found on your ankle and foot. The fluid in a ganglion comes from a joint or tendon through a narrow channel. Some ganglions are found after and injury such as a sprain but most appear without a known cause.

What are the benefits of surgery?

The lump and anu discomfort should settle. Surgery gives the best chance of the ganglion coming back.

Are there alternatives to surgery?

A ganglion will often disappear or become less painful after a year or two. If your ganglion is not causing much trouble it is best to leave it alone.

The fluid can be taken out of a ganglion using a needle. This confirms that the lump is a ganglion and improves any discomfort for a while.