Arthritis is a group of conditions that cause damage to one or more joints.

The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, where there is a gradual wear and tear of the joint. For a few people, this is the result of a previous injury but it usually happens without a known cause.

Some other types of arthritis are assoiated with inflamation of the joint that can eventually lead to severe joint damage. The most common type is rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis eventually wears away the normal cartilage covering the surface of the joint and and the bone underneath becomes damaged. This causes pain and stiffness in your ankle, which can interfere with normal activities.

Benefits to surgery

You should get less pain to be able to walk more easily.

Are there alternatives to surgery?

Simple painkillers such as paracetamol and anti-inflamatory painkillers such as ibuprofen can help control the pain of arthritis. Check with your doctor before you take supplements. Using a walking stick on the opposite side to the affected ankle can make walking easier.

A plastic split or ankle boot with a cushioned heel is sometimes helpful. Regular moderate exercise can help to reduce stiffness in your ankle. Physiotherapy may also help to strengthen weak muscles. If you are overweight, losing weight will help to reduce the load on your ankle.

A steroid injection into your ankle joint can sometimes reduce pain or stiffness for several months. You may get side effects if you have injections too often. You should not have a steroid injection within two weeks of having a vaccination because it can prevent you from making enough antibodies.