The neurological pathway specialises in the assessment, intervention, and advice for children and young people aged 4-18 years who have gross motor difficulties. These difficulties may arise from a developmental, neurological or muscle condition.

A child or young person may require intervention from this service because they have:

  • Difficulty with posture and movement

  • Difficulty or delay with gross motor skill development

  • Rehabilitation following specialist surgery or interventions

  • Pain, restrictions in movement or muscle tightness

The service is child and family focused and aims to support the child, young person and their family to become confident in the management of their long-term condition.  We will work alongside you to promote maximise your / your child's gross motor function and independence enabling participation in family, school and leisure activities in locally provided services.

The team works with parents, carers and educational staff to support children or young people to be confident in carrying out physiotherapy and postural plans, providing a 24hr approach that is essential to enable them to achieve their potential. 

For those children who have SEN / SEND needs we will contribute to their EHCP plan.

Fitness advice for wheelchair users

As a wheelchair user, getting active will bring you important health benefits and can help you manage daily life, too.

Regular aerobic exercise – the kind that raises your heart rate and causes you to break a sweat – and muscle-strengthening exercise are just as important for the health and wellbeing of wheelchair users as they are for other adults.

Whatever your preferences and level of physical ability, there will be an activity or sport for you.

Physical activity does not have to mean the gym or competitive sport, though these can be great options. Activity can take many forms and happen in many places.

To improve your health, try to choose activities that improve your heart health and muscle strength.

For general health, all adults aged 19 to 64, including wheelchair users, are advised to do:

  • at least 150 minutes a week of aerobic activity, plus
  • strength exercises on 2 or more days a week

Do not worry about hitting these targets straight away: it's more important to do something active that you enjoy.

NHS Website