What should your baby be able to do

  • Your baby will now be sitting independently for indefinite time  
  • They will be able to rise to sitting from a lying position and will be crawling on hands and knees  
  • Your baby will be pulling to stand at the furniture and side stepping (cruising) along the furniture to reach their toys
  • Your baby may stand alone for a few moments and may walk alone  
  • They will be able to bang together objects held in each hand
  • Play pat-a-cake
  • Start to drink from a cup by themselves

How you can help

You can find useful tips, hints and advice on ways to help support your child’s crawling skills here:

When to seek support

  • If your baby has no form of independent mobility (e.g. crawling, commando crawling, bottom shuffle)
  • Not pulling to stand independently and holding on to the furniture for support
  • Does not feed self-finger foods or support own bottle or beaker
  • Unable to pick up smaller items with index finger and thumb
  • Does not notice someone new