What is an Orthosis?

An Orthosis is an external device used to support, align, reduce or correct deformities.

What is a PRAFO?

A Pressure Relieving Ankle Foot Orthosis, or PRAFO, is a type of brace that can help with:

  • Providing pressure relief at heel
  • Maintaining a good position of your foot and ankle
  • Preventing your tendon getting tighter
  • Maintaining normal range of motion at your ankle

PRAFO’s are commonly used for people who are resting in bed for long periods of time and are not putting weight through their feet.

Why has a PRAFO been prescribed to me?

This could be because:

  • The skin on your heel is at risk of becoming damaged
  • Your feet are at risk of tightening up

How do I put on and take of the PRAFO?

We advise to put the PRAFO on in a seated position.

  1. Slide your foot into the PRAFO. Your heel should sit at the back of the PRAFO
  2. Wrap the padding around your foot
  3. Fasten the ankle strap first. This is to secure your heel in the PRAFO
  4. Fasten all of the straps securely
  5. Extend your leg so that it is straight

How long should I wear the PRAFO for?

Your doctor or physiotherapist will be able to advise you how long you should wear the PRAFO for.

Wear and care

We encourage you to check your skin on a regular basis for red marks and signs of rubbing. To help with this we advise a gradual weaning programme so checks can be done on a regular basis.

  • Day 1 = 30mins                   
  • Day 2 = 1hr 30mins
  • Day 3 = 2hrs 30min           
  • Day 4 = 3hrs 30mins

If there is any marking that does not fade after 30 minutes, take the PRAFO off and contact the Orthotic Department. ​​​​​