From 1 July 2024, this service will be delivered by Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (LSCft). The team can be contacted:

EMHP – Education Mental Health Practitioner:

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Hi, I am an Education Mental Health Practitioner (EMHP) working within schools to support children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing. Mostly I help children and young people who are experiencing low level mental health issues such as anxiety, low mood and depression. If a child or young person needs support a consultation is undertaken and if our team can help an appointment is offered within 28 working days or alternatively the child or young person is signposted to the best support to meet their needs.    

We always try to meet in a safe and private space within the school. The first appointment is an initial assessment or screening. Parents can attend this assessment too.

Mental Health Practitioner - MHP

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Hi, I am a mental health practitioner and I help manage the team and supervise the EMHPs.  I also provide consultation and advice and deliver therapies to children and young people. 

Senior Mental Health Practitioner - SMHP

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Hi, I am a Senior Mental Health Practitioner.  My role involves working closely with the schools and ensuring the communication between the schools and the teams.  I also supervise the mental health practitioners and provide consultation, advice and therapies to children and young people. 

Team Clinical Lead

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Hi, I am the clinical lead and there are two of us across Pennine each managing four teams.  We make sure we have good relationships with the schools and are working to support ‘Whole School Approach’ across all the schools we are based in.  We work closely with other strategic partners including the Local Authorities to help address any concerns or issues that arise within schools. 

As a team we produce lots of information in different formats such as presentations, videos, newsletters, leaflets and posters.  When you see this logo you’ll know it’s information regarding the mental health support teams.

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It is important that children and young people, their parents, carers and families  share their views with regards to how we provide our services.  Therefore we have EMHPs who have a dedicated interest in building relationships through participation, holding young peoples and parent groups.  We welcome young  people and their families who have an interest in improving children’s mental health services or have used our services to join our groups.  If you would like more information please contact the EMHP within your school or Natalie Koncsol: