How was your maternity care?
At East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, we believe in providing the highest quality maternity care for you and your baby. We will soon be carrying out a survey to obtain feedback about the quality of care and support you received during your pregnancy, labour and birth, and after birth.
This survey is part of the NHS National Patient Survey Programme.
Last year, we received 258 responses from others who told us what is working well and what we can improve. Your participation in 2024 will help us monitor the quality of our services and suggest further areas for improvement.
If you have given birth at the Lancashire Women and Newborn Centre at Burnley General Hospital or Blackburn Birth Centre you may be sent a questionnaire between May - August asking you about your experience.
If you are invited to take part, you will receive a letter with information on how to complete the survey online or on your phone. If you prefer to complete the survey on paper, a paper questionnaire will be sent in a later mailing.
Obtaining feedback from patients and taking account of their views is really important for bringing about improvements in the quality of care. Therefore, if you are asked to participate, we would really appreciate it if you could take a little time to provide your feedback.
Participation will not affect your care in any way. The survey is confidential, and your responses will not be shared with our staff.
The results will be published in January 2025. For more information about the survey, please visit