On this page you will find information leaflets on some of the most common diseases and disorders diagnosed in our endoscopy units.
Information leaflets are kindly provided by www.gutscharity.org.uk and can be found here For patients: Conditions - Guts UK (gutscharity.org.uk). You can also access information on the NHS website: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/endoscopy/pages/introduction.aspx
For a healthy lifestyle, see our lifestyle advice page.
This information on this site is for guidance only. It is not a substitute for professional medical care by a qualified doctor or other health care professional. ALWAYS check with your doctor if you have any concerns about your condition or treatment. ELHT is not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for ANY form of damages resulting from the use (or misuse) of information contained in or implied by the information on this site.
Diseases and disorders of the stomach and oesophagus
Dysphagia (Difficulty in Swallowing)
Diseases and disorders of the Bowel
The Guts UK website offers information on all lower bowel conditions. Click on the button below to access.
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Founded in 1999, Barrett’s Oesophagus Campaign (BOC) is the only national charity dedicated to the prevention of cancer from Barrett’s Oesophagus and the support of people living with the disease.
At Macmillan, we understand how vital it is to have someone by your side when you're affected by cancer. A team who can provide personal support and expert information. That's what we do.