Remembering a loved one can make a difference for patients throughout the Trust and whichever area of the hospital you choose to support, from individual wards to specialisms, from state-of-the-art equipment to cutting-edge medical research, you can be sure that your donation will help the cause closest to you and your family’s hearts.  

If you are unsure which area you would like to give a gift to, we have a main fund for those areas that are in the greatest need, a fund which is committed to improving patient experience across East Lancashire.

Creating a personal online tribute page in memory of a loved one is a valuable way to celebrate and remember their life. It’s also a wonderful way to share messages and memories with family and friends, whilst at the same time supporting your local NHS hospitals charity, ELHT&Me, with a donation.

We work in partnership MuchLoved, the in-memory platform, to provide a free tribute service where you can remember someone special, and fundraise in their memory. You can create a special, personalised tribute page for your loved one, where you can share memories, photos, stories, music and videos to celebrate their life, as well as donate to our work in their honour.


When planning a funeral, many families choose to limit flowers and ask family and friends to make a charitable donation instead. If this is something you would like to do, please speak with the ELHT&Me team who can provide donation envelopes which can be given out to those attending the service.

These donation envelopes are a very simple and convenient way to collect donations. There is a space on the envelope for the name and address of each donor, meaning we can thank them afterwards and give them an opportunity to Gift Aid each personal donation made by a UK taxpayer, adding 25p to every £1 donated.

Paying in a funeral collection
If you haven’t used donation envelopes, a quick and simple way to donate a funeral collection or make a one-off donation in memory is to use JustGiving -