Phone: 01254 735711
Patient Information
Why am I being urgently referred?
Your healthcare team are worried about your symptoms, and you may require further investigations by a specialist team. The symptoms you have may be due to a number of common conditions. One of which could be cancer. It is important that you are contacted by the Non-Specific Symptoms Rapid Diagnostic Service (NSS RDS) Team, who will fully investigate your case.
Prior to your referral to the NSS RDS, your healthcare team will have already completed a number of tests, such as blood tests and stool sample tests. They should also have reviewed these results. Your healthcare team has passed all relevant information on to the NSS RDS team at the hospital.
Does this mean I have cancer?
It is important to remember that even though you are being urgently referred, this does not mean that you have cancer.
An urgent referral means that you will be reviewed by the NSS RDS Specialist Nurse via telephone consultation and/or clinic appointment, to discuss your symptoms and decide the next steps.
How do I make my appointment?
You will receive a phone call from the NSS RDS specialist nurse who will assess which type of appointment you require. Please note that your first appointment will either be a telephone consultation or you may be directed to an outpatient clinic.
Who is my main point of contact at the NSS RDS?
Your main point of contact is the Specialist Nurse via the NSS RDS Co-ordinator – 01254 735711
The nurse and co-ordinator can provide clear and supportive information about the diagnosis process and the next steps for you on your diagnostic journey. They will also help you find other sources of support, advice and information that are appropriate to your needs.
What will happen during my first appointment?
Telephone: The NSS RDS Specialist Nurse will conduct a nursing assessment, including taking a full clinical history. If appropriate, you may be required to undertake further blood tests, investigations or scans. You will be given information on these tests and what to expect.
Clinic: You will meet the NSS RDS Specialist Nurse or another health professional and be examined. If appropriate, you may be required to undertake further blood tests, investigations or scans. You will be given information on the need for these tests and what to expect.
The NSS RDS Team will try to arrange any further tests and appointments on the same day, but this may not always be possible. It is therefore possible that you may be at hospital for a number of hours while this takes place.
If possible, the results from any investigations carried out will be discussed with you and explained in detail. The NSS RDS Specialist Team will give you a lot of information during your appointment and you may wish to be accompanied by a family member or friend.
You may find it useful to write down any questions you would like to ask at the first appointment.
What happens after my first appointment and any other tests/scans?
You should get your diagnosis and next steps within 28 days of being referred from the your healthcare team.
If your symptoms and results indicate diagnosis of a cancer, you will be referred to the most appropriate team for further consultation and treatment. In the event that your symptoms and results show other illness or condition but not a cancer, a referral to a different specialist or consultant will be made. If the NSS RDS team cannot find any identified cause for your symptoms, you may be referred back to your GP.
You will be involved wherever possible in all decisions about your future care and treatment.
How to get to the clinic appointment?
If you cannot use public transport, drive or arrange your own transport, you may be eligible to use the patient transport ambulance service. To arrange this, please contact the patient transport service when you know the date of your appointment on 08000 323240.
What if I cannot attend the clinic appointment I am offered?
Your healthcare team believes your symptoms require urgent further investigation.
Please make every effort to attend your given clinic appointment.
If you are aware of any reason that will prevent you attending your clinic appointment, you must contact the NSS RDS team without delay to arrange a new appointment 01254 735711.
Diagnostic Tests that may be carried out during/after your first appointment:
The following tests may, or may not, be carried out as part of the Rapid Diagnostic Service investigations:
Blood Tests – additional to those taken by your GP
Endoscopy – a procedure where a camera is passed into the body to investigate unusual symptoms and images are relayed to a television screen
X-ray – A scan that looks inside your body to review its internal structure
CT scan – Computerised Tomography (CT) of the body is a diagnostic test to show more detailed images of the internal structure of your body.
Patient Experience
Please ask one of the NSS RDS team members for a Patient Experience card or contact the Patient Experience Team at or call 01254 733716.