The Nursing Team is a pivotal part of the ODN. They work in the community and prisons as well as supporting all the providers within the ODN across Lancashire and South Cumbria, they work alongside a diverse range of services in the area such as drug and alcohol services, probation, approved premises, charities, and food banks. They carry out groundbreaking work utilising a clinical van to visit patients in their preferred location making the service available to those often marginalised from traditional healthcare settings. They are supported by the Hepatitis C Trust who have a team of lived experience staff and volunteers who are essential to patient engagement with projects running in several areas including the homeless population.

Laura has worked for the NHS for 12 years progressing from her initial role as a health care assistant to a nurse on a busy surgical ward before becoming a charge nurse prior to taking her current role has a hepatitis C specialist nurse for Lancashire and South Cumbria ODN for Hepatitis C for the past 2 years. Laura works within prison and community settings carrying out full patient assessments providing treatment and patient support and offering education and training. Laura has assisted with adapting her role to provide care, support, and treatment to a wide variety of patients. She is passionate about her patients and strives to provide equality and diversity of care to all. 

Michaela has worked for the NHS for 10 years initially as a bank healthcare assistant. After obtaining her nursing degree she worked on a busy surgical ward and then the emergency surgical unit where she gained skills and knowledge in taking charge and coordinating the ward whilst also providing support to colleagues. Michaela has worked for the Lancashire and South Cumbria ODN for Hepatitis C since 2022. Her passion and dedication are evident in the holistic care she provides to patients along with her focus and determination to meet targets in eliminating Hepatitis C.

Katie has worked for as a qualified nurse for 13 years, initially working on acute wards such as MAU and the surgical triage unit, moving into research, and then working for 9 years as a district nurse progressing to team sister. In 2021 she became a non-medical prescriber which is a great asset within her nursing role supporting patient care and treatment. Katie joined Lancashire and South Cumbria ODN for Hepatitis C in March 2023 bringing with her a wealth of knowledge from her background in community nursing, leadership qualities, and a passion to assist in the elimination of hepatitis C. Katie prioritises patient safety whilst treating all her patients with care and compassion ensuring gold standard treatment is offered to all hepatitis C patients.

Nichola has worked for the NHS for 10 years starting her career as a community nurse and then progressing to the role of Team Sister in 2022 working for the Burnley Central District Nurse Team.  She more recently joined the Lancashire and South Cumbria Operational Delivery Network for Hepatitis C in September 2023.  Nichola’s experience and background in district nursing has enabled her to bring essentials skills to her new role working within the community and prisons which involves holistic assessments of patients that are suitable for treatment for hepatitis C and providing support to patients ensuring they are successfully treated.

Michelle has worked for the NHS for 20 years in various healthcare roles and has worked for the Lancashire and South Cumbria ODN for Hepatitis C for 3 years. Michelle is caring and compassionate whilst engaging with patients. Her extensive background in healthcare is invaluable in liaising with other providers and teams across the ODN to engage patients and support them through treatment and her commitment to her role in eliminating hepatitis C for a better future is at the forefront of her work.

Daniel has worked in healthcare for over 12 years. He has worked mainly in renal care, working in dialysis for over 10 years looking after patients with both chronic and acute renal failure and has also worked with children with complex breathing needs providing care for them at home and school. Daniel joined the Lancashire and South Cumbria ODN for Hepatitis C recently and his background working with patients with complex needs has been a great asset to the team.