The Enhanced Recovery Team consists of Anton Krige - Lead ERP Consultant, Anne Livesey - Lead ERP Nurse, Caroline Aherne - ERP Nurse and Marcus Grendall - Healthcare Assistant. The surgical team and the Enhanced Recovery team will be with you every step of the way, giving reassurance after your operationm ensuring your surgical plan is followed and reminding you of your daily goals.

We will provide support whilst you are in hospital to ensure you are confident to continue your recovery when it is time to go home.

ERP is a package of care in which all members of the surgical MDT including doctors, nurses and therapies have a part to play. The big take home message from this Surgery School is that the partnership between the team and you is absolutely crucial to getting the best recovery as possible. The team will do their bit but they need you on board, ready and willing to do what you can and sometimes push yourself a little further than you expected.

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