PEP+ is a Patient Engagement Portal which provides an automated secure SMS (text) messaging system to our patients.

The text message guides patients through a series of questions – designed by NHS consultants and healthcare experts – to enable the hospital to understand whether patients still need hospital care.

This service has replaced the previous ‘Chatbot’ service across Lancashire and South Cumbria hospitals and medical specialties following an initial pilot where more than 2,000 patients received a text about their health condition while on a waiting list for treatment, with 65% responding.

Hi, (forename). This is East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust. Please click below to access our Patient App where there are questions about your treatment in our (name of service).

The SMS Message will come from will be ELHT NHS.

Patients will be contacted if they are waiting for an outpatient appointment or surgical procedure at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust. This is done on a rolling basis.

You have two weeks to reply to the secure SMS message, if you do not reply in this timeframe you will remain on the waiting list.

The SMS message is sent to the mobile number held by East Lancashire Hospitals.  If you aren't receiving SMS texts from us, please ask the Receptionist to update your details when you next attend the hospital or one of its sites. 

No, you will only be asked to input your date of birth [DD/MM/YYY] but no other information.

The NHS will never ask for bank details or other personal information not related to your healthcare.

The questions are very simple for you to confirm your current status;

  •  I am waiting for an appointment/treatment        SUBMIT


  • I no longer require an appointment/treatment    REMOVE FROM WAITING LIST

You would continue to wait for your appointment or elective procedure.

We may attempt to contact you again in the future but not until we've contacted all eligible patients at least once.

If you have replied 'I no longer require an appointment/treatment' we will write to you and your GP to advise that this has happened.

If you have replied 'I am waiting for an appointment/treatment' you will remain on the waiting list and the hospital will contact you in due course.