Specialist area
- Facial trauma
- Facial deformity
- General oral and maxillofacial surgery including management of oral soft tissue lesions
- Lead for the infant tongue tie release service
Contact details
PA Sarah Allen
01254 734389
Clinic times
Week 1 - Wednesday all day, Friday mornings Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital
Week 2 - Wednesday all day, Thursday afternoons Bunley General Teaching Hospital
Mr Gary Cousin qualified initially in dentistry and subsequently in medicine at the University of Glasgow. He has trained in the West of Scotland, London and the North West of England. His commitment to postgraduate education has been recognised by the award of Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer posts at the University of Central Lancashire and the University of Leeds. He has lectured widely nationally and internationally and published in medical literature. He has an interest in postgraduate training and has been Deputy Training Programme Director for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in the North West and subsequently the Training Programme Director. He has good links with medical and dental practitioners locally and has fifteen year experience as a consultant in the management of patients with facial trauma and those patients who require corrective jaw surgery.
Research interests
Mr Cousin’s research interest are varied but include the management of facial trauma, human factors detracting from performance in the operating theatres and he audits the results of his tongue tie releases.
Professional membership
Mr Cousin is fully registered with the General Dental Council as Specialist in Oral Surgery and is registered with a license to practice with the General Medical Council, recognised as a Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. He is a member of the British Medical Association, the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Manchester Medical Society and the International Bone Research Association.