“I wanted a career that I could take all over the world and one where I could help those in need and very ill.”

Megan Hunter has been a Staff Nurse at Clitheroe Treatment Room/Minor Injuries since last November. Halfway through her three-year BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing degree COVID-19 hit. Despite the extra challenges she faced she qualified with flying colours in 2021.

She said:

"The last thing I ever expected was to be training to be a nurse during a pandemic. The training is challenging and intense enough, without the added stress we faced.

I had just finished a placement at the beginning of March 2020 with the Blackburn District Nurse team and was due to go back to university when COVID-19 struck.

Megan HunterThere was a lot of confusion around what was happening and consequently my studying transferred online and future placements on wards were pulled.

In ‘normal times’ I would have been expected to complete 2,300 (unpaid) working hours on a ward over three years. Instead, I ended up on a paid contract working at Pendle Community Hospital. Despite the extra challenges and hectic wards, I continued to learn and look after my patients and my training led me to qualify as a Nurse in the community.

My job varies on a day-to-day basis. I really enjoy working with wounds and complex patients so being based at the treatment room is perfect!

I manage the minor injuries/walk-in service which can be anything from cuts and scrapes to broken bones and chest pains. We also deal with more serious illnesses and for those patients I liaise with the onsite GPs and Paramedics, when needed.

I perform routine and urgent ECGs (a test to check a patient’s heart rhythm), do blood tests, routine injections such as Vitamin B12 and implants. I assist the GPS in theatre with minor procedures and operations and do wound care and leg ulcer management too.

I love my job and my colleagues are part of that reason. Together, we are making a small difference to our patients and community."

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