“I love being an integral part of ELHT, where inclusion is valued. The most special aspect of my job is being able to work with so many amazing people and being part of such a diverse workforce.”

Asma Issa is the Practice Education Facilitator (PEF) for midwifery and medical students at ELHT. A trained Midwife, she is also the Freedom to Speak Up Champion at ELHT because she believes everyone should be treated fairly with respect regardless of their gender, colour, religion or any other characteristics.

She said:

Being a midwife isn't just "playing with babies". It's about supporting and advocating for women, helping them make informed choices of their birth rights and supporting their transition from being a woman to becoming a mother. I mean...why would I choose any other job role? 

Asma IssaHelping families welcome a newborn into their family and equally supporting students to understand that feeling is what I love the most about my job. 

I became a Freedom to Speak Up Champion as being from an ethnic minority background, I was witness to inequalities within people with protected characteristics. Colleagues had come to me in confidence about racist comments being made so I escalated this to the Trust’s Executive Team who were very inspired by how I was able to speak up and be confident that a change is required. Being a speak up champion enables me to better support colleagues and patients where required.

I believe people don’t intend to be discriminatory and there can be many contributing factors to racism/discrimination, therefore being a champion allows me to educate people on how to cultivate a better understanding and a kinder nature towards all.

I'm helping bring in change by working with the Executive Team to create a new framework which is inclusive of all.

It's truly humbling to be involved in this transformative change. I take great pride in being part of creating and contributing to a more inclusive environment for everyone – colleagues, patients, relatives, volunteers and visitors. It truly is such a wonderful experience. 

I am proud to work for the NHS - I mean it's one of our unique organisations in the UK and I'm glad to be a part of it.