Today we celebrate World Hijab Day across the Trust, a recognition of millions of Muslim women across the world who choose to wear the hijab and live a life of modesty.
At ELHT we recognise and value diversity and encourage all colleagues to bring their whole self to work. To open up new pathways to understanding and celebrate reasons why Muslim women choose to wear the hijab, we spoke to two colleagues at the Trust about why it's important for them. You can read Samina's story below.
I grew up wearing the hijab at home and outside from a very young age. This was due to both religious and Cultural reasons. From waking up in the morning to going to bed at night I covered my hair and never thought twice about not ever wearing it.
In 1994 at the age of 21 I started in a Healthcare assistant post in the NHS. At the interview I was told ‘you cannot wear that thing on your head’, so from then on, I kept my hair uncovered until I stepped foot outside my workplace.
I did not have the confidence to stand up for my beliefs back then and just accepted it. However, I received a lot of criticism not only from my family but also from the community. This would only happen when they would see me at work, whether they were patients or visitors at the time. This gave me low self-esteem and I would dread seeing anyone and sometimes would go to great lengths to avoid them, even waiting until visitors have all gone before I would come out of the office or staff room.
I felt I was torn between two cultures. Trying to fit into one was extremely difficult as the opposite one would always make me feel inferior. This went on for years until I completed the pilgrimage to Makkah.
After I completed Hajj I started to think about wearing the Hijab and would contemplate turning up for work the next day and wearing it without asking anyone’s permission. My work culture at the time was very challenging and I would often back down and change my mind.
In 2001 I left my Job to start my Nurse Training. The year I qualified was when I had my breakthrough and being away from my previous job and environment gave me the confidence to change and wear the Hijab. Before I wore the Hijab, I talked myself into doing a risk assessment so the Hijab would be not only practical but to comply with Infection control policies.
In 2004 I wore the Hijab as a 3rd Year student Nurse for the first time and before getting my first Job as a qualified nurse. I felt so happy, comfortable and ready to wear it! After receiving so much backlash and carrying the scars for years…. I finally felt a sense of relief.
Not only was I now a confident woman at the same time I was fulfilling the main part of my faith. It’s now 2022 and I have continued to wear the hijab.
I still get some criticism about my hijab. Some say it doesn’t cover my modesty. I just smile at them, as this is between me and my Allah (God). I know what journey I have been through to get to this stage in my life. My only regret is that I wish I was able to bring my true self at work and had the confidence to wear the hijab sooner.