Published on: 27 November 2020

“It is with deep regret and huge sadness that I share with you the devastating news that we have lost a friend and colleague. Cristina Baldwin died on 25 November from COVID-19.  

Cristina has worked with us for eight years, and her loss will be felt by colleagues and friends on ward C1 and C3, and indeed from across the whole organisation.

“Cristina was a valued and popular member of staff who, with a colourful character, worked tirelessly to provide the best care she could for our patients. She will be greatly missed by us and we send our heartfelt condolences to her husband Garry, daughter Kelly and family.

“This is a terrible and poignant reminder of the situation we are facing every day to help others and I want to thank every member our staff for their continued care for our patients and community. Their continued courage and commitment to duty is inspirational and a comfort to us all in these difficult times.”

Kevin McGee, Chief Executive,
East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust

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