Published on: 12 November 2020

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ELHT&Me has received a £50,000 donation from a charity designer clothes shop launched less than a year ago by a Burnley FC Director.

The ‘CARES Charity’ shop in Burnley town centre, set up by club director John Banaszkiewicz, has donated funds towards purchasing an endoscope and a scope guide for Burnley General Teaching Hospital, to help detect early cancer in adults and children. This is the second donation ELHT&Me has received from the shop, bringing the total raised to £75,000.

A cheque to cover the cost of the equipment was handed over at a special ceremony outside the ‘Labels’ Charity shop.

Christine Hughes, Director of Communications and Engagement at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “On behalf of our hospital charity, ELHT&Me, I want to say a heartfelt thank you to John and everyone at CARES.

“Their kindness and generosity is having a direct impact on the people of Burnley, and on early diagnosis of cancer.

“We strongly encourage anyone who suspects they may have cancer to see their GP, and anyone with an appointment at our hospitals should keep that appointment.

“Early diagnosis can have a huge impact on outcome. Thank you again CARES!'

Lucy Kelly, Lead Nurse Endoscopist at Burnley General Teaching Hospital, added: "This new equipment will be invaluable in our efforts to diagnose and treat cancer early.

“We can now perform more complex tests and procedures in a single episode at Burnley General Teaching Hospital, reducing stress and anxiety.

“This will have a really positive impact on local people, improving convenience as well as outcomes."

Mr Banaszkiewicz said: “This has been a huge community effort. Customers purchasing bargain designer clothes have directly contributed to helping to buy these machines, which will be vital in detecting early cancer in patients. We know this equipment will be of a huge benefit to staff at the hospital.

“We still need your support and if you are a designer brand who would like to be involved, or anyone who would like to help as a volunteer, please contact us, but more importantly keep shopping with us, as you are making a difference!”