Latest blog posts from the CEO

Chief Executive Martin Hodgson issues a weekly blog to discuss his thoughts on what has been happening within the Trust and also how national or even world events affect patients and staff here at ELHT. 

Posted: 17 April 2020
An array of appreciation

Appreciation is the main topic in this weeks blog from Chief Executive, Kevin McGee.

Posted: 10 April 2020
Best wishes for a peaceful Easter

Chief Executive, Kevin McGee, shares his appreciation for staff working over the Easter weekend, an update on PPE, and a reminder about social distancing.

Posted: 3 April 2020
A much needed oasis

Executive Director of Nursing, Chris Pearson discusses a place to relax and reflect during this stressful time.

Posted: 1 April 2020
A message to staff

Chief Executive Kevin McGee has issued the message below to all our staff and volunteers.

Posted: 27 March 2020
Such a strange time!

Deputy Chief Executive Martin Hodgson discusses how we are in strange times but we are still thankful.

Posted: 22 March 2020
Special Message from Kevin McGee

CEO Kevin McGee issues this special message on Mothering Sunday.

Posted: 20 March 2020
Communication is key...

My sincere thanks to the entire workforce – the last few days have been difficult but I do feel duty bound to say not only ‘keep calm and carry on’, but also ‘follow the most recent guidance and act accordingly’.