Published on: 15 May 2020

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Hello everyone, it’s Friday again.

I’m going to begin by repeating a very distance sticker - chosen design FINAL-01.pngimportant message – you MUST follow social distancing rules and keep two metres away from your colleagues. The only exceptions to this are when social distancing is impossible, and then appropriate PPE must be worn. This is not a request.  If you see people lapsing from this, or if people get too close, you are duty- bound to challenge them. And, if someone challenges you, then you should accept the challenge and move apart. Please, keep your distance. Thank you.

It has been another incredibly interesting and rewarding week. Apart from the day-to-day work of treating patients and being generally brilliant, our staff have been very much in a media spotlight.

Florence Nightingale would have been 200 years old on Tuesday this week so the celebrations planned for International Nursing Day were ambitious and extensive. Unfortunately, they were all shelved thanks to Covid-19! However, we did find ways of paying a suitable tribute to our own nurses – indeed all nurses across the world - that I think were worthy of the occasion.  Working with a professional lighting organisation, and funded by commercial sponsorship from Vinci Construction, we were able to dramatically light some of our buildings, creating a wonderful spectacle that could be seen for miles around.  We focussed on Lancashire Women and Newborn Centre last week as it was International Day of the Midwife, and this Tuesday 12 May we lit the Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital for International Nurses Day to say thank you to our nurses and midwives. I hope you got a chance to see it, but if you didn’t, take a look at the video below.

I am delighted that the BBC chose Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital from which to give exclusive insight to our community, about how we have responded to the Coronavirus challenge. What is particularly good about this is that they are focussing on the hospital as a whole, not just the clinical front line.  Consequently, we had the chance to demonstrate our laundry, talk about estates and logistics, research and show fit mask testing procedures as well as the more familiar sights from critical care, a Covid ward and A&E. I cannot tell you how proud I have been as the hospital and our wonderful staff have been featured at least twice a day, every day of the week.  The impact that this has and the reach we achieve because of it is enormous, running into millions.  These things are difficult to organise, and cameras and reporters are inconvenient and sometimes in the way.  But it was worth it. I am really grateful to everyone who took part or facilitated this happening. It was fantastic. Click here to view a clip from one of the episodes.

And the media attention doesn’t stop there!  Yesterday, we hosted a photographer from Reuters, the worldwide press agency. Providing pictures for a global pool, they chose ELHT from which to get their images.  We focussed on therapists, estates and facilities staff, fundraising, chaplaincy , maternity and pharmacy. So look out, you may well see us featured in the print media – perhaps in The Times, or the New York Times; News of the World or Le Monde; you never know!

So, special thanks this week to the communications team for a week of great publicity and profile building, turning the spotlight very brightly on our fabulous trust, and our amazing staff – great job guys!

Until next time….