Do you have a staff transport service? Yes
If yes:
What is the annual budget and spend for staff transport?
We are unable to provide the annual budget and spend for staff transport as this information is commercial in confidence. This information is exempt under section 43 (commercial interests) of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), as the information would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of those involved.
Section 43 (2) is a qualified exemption which means the Trust must undertake a public interest test. The Trust has considered the public interest in disclosing this information and while it is in the public interest to disclose information that informs the public of how we spend our money, especially where this relates to the provision of public services, we have determined that the prejudice arising from disclosure outweighs the benefit to the public in this instance.
When is the contract up for renewal? March 2023
Which companies provide your transport services? Holmeswood
How many staff use the transport service? As a 7 day average, there are around 2463 seats taken by staff.
Do you charge staff to use the service? No.
Is your location well served by public transport for staff shifts? Not all areas.
Have you provided a staff transport service before? If Yes, why did it stop? Yes 30 + years ago, unknown why.
How many staff car parking spaces are available vs. demand? 3800 spaces for up to 8000 staff
How much do you charge for staff parking, and how much income is generated per year? See attached document.
Are you planning construction work that will affect your car park capacity? If so, when? No.
Are your car parking spaces allocated? If so, what is the allocation process and what % are used? Application via salary deduction or prepaid and 100% spaces used.
Please explain how you procure transport services. Tender
Please identify any frameworks and or buying groups that your organisation is a part of. none.
Which department is responsible for staff transport? Logistics.
How many staff members are in the transport team? There are currently 32 members of staff in the transport department.
What job role is responsible for managing the transport budget? Logistics Manager.