1. Are surgical robots used in your trust?
2. Are you currently planning to purchase a surgical robot(s) in the next 18 months?
Not at this time
3. Please list the manufacturer and model of all surgical robot(s) used in your trust? Please include duplicates if multiple surgical robots of same manufacturer/model.
Intuitive/ Da Vinci X model
4. What date was the surgical robot(s) purchased?
5. Are surgical robot simulators used in your trust?
Yes, across both Blackburn and Burnley sites
6. Please list the manufacturer and model of all surgical robot simulator(s) used in your trust? Please include duplicates if multiple surgical robot simulators of same manufacturer/model.
Intuitive/ Da vinci X model
7. What date was the surgical robot simulator(s) purchased?
8. How many procedures were carried out with use of a surgical robot each year from 2019 to present? Please provide a breakdown by speciality.
Example response table provided on page 2.
See attached document
9. How many emergency procedures were carried out with use of a surgical robot each year from 2019 to present? Please provide a breakdown by speciality.
Example response table provided on page 5.
See attached document
10. How many consultant surgeons work within your trust, and how many of these perform robotic surgery? Please provide a breakdown by speciality.
Example response table provided on page 8.
Number of consultant surgeons performing robotic surgery
Total number of consultant surgeons
Breast Surgery
Colorectal Surgery
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Otolaryngology (Ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgery)
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Upper GI (including Oesophagogastric, Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary) Surgery
Vascular Surgery
11. How much did the trust pay to purchase the surgical robot(s)? If multiple surgical robots, please specify price of each robot.
£1.7 million along with trade in of the Da Vinci Si model
12. How much has been spent on consumables/disposables for the surgical robot(s) annually from 2019 to present? If multiple manufacturers, please provide a breakdown by manufacturer.
Nett Value from April 2019/March 2014 is £1,963,542.31
13. What is the total cost of maintenance for the robot(s) annually from 2019 to present? If multiple manufacturers, please provide a breakdown by manufacturer.
The Trust is unable to provide the information requested as this information is commercial in confidence. This information is exempt under section 43 (commercial interests) of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), as the information would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of those involved.
Section 43 (2) is a qualified exemption which means the Trust must undertake a public interest test. The Trust has considered the public interest in disclosing this information and while it is in the public interest to disclose information that informs the public of how we spend our money, especially where this relates to the provision of public services, we have determined that the prejudice arising from disclosure outweighs the benefit to the public in this instance.