- Has the Trust used agencies to recruit permanent/international doctors in the last 6 months and if so, which agencies were used?
- Has the Trust used agencies to recruit permanent/international nurses in the last 3 months and if so, which agencies were used?
Yes - Walson's Healthcare.
- Has the Trust used agencies to recruit permanent/international allied health professionals in the last 6 months and if so, which agencies were used
Yes - Pulse Recruitment, Xander Hendrix & Apollo Healthcare.
- Please provide a breakdown of the number of doctors by grade and specialism placed as result of permanent/fixed-term/international recruitment in the last 6 months using agencies
- Please provide a breakdown of the number of nurses by specialism i.e. general ward, midwifery, mental health etc placed as result of permanent/international recruitment in the last 6 months using agencies
All nurses recruited over the last 12 months have been placed on general medical wards and we have recruited 170.
- Please provide a breakdown by band and profession of the number of allied health professionals placed as result of permanent/fixed-term/international recruitment in the last 6 months using agencies
2 band 5 OT's and 3 band 5 Diagnostic Radiographers.
- What was the total permanent/international recruitment agency spend on the before mentioned job roles?
- Does your Trust intend to recruit doctors, nurses or allied health professional on a permanent/fixed-term/international recruitment basis using an agency over the next 12 months? If so which categories and anticipated volume for each category
- Are there any contract end dates for the supply of permanent/fixed-term/international doctor, nurses or allied health professionals occurring in 2024/25 if so, what dates and with which providers?
- Are you intending to come out to tender or complete mini competitions for suppliers of permanent/fixed-term/international doctor, nurses or allied health professionals in the financial year 2024/25?
- Please confirm your current nursing vacancy rate by band and specialism across your trust
Vacant FTE
Band 5
Staff Nurse
Band 6
Community Nurse
Band 6
Band 6
Sister or Charge Nurse
Band 6
Staff Nurse
Band 7
Advanced Practitioner
Band 7
Community Nurse
Band 7
Community Practitioner
Band 7
Nurse Manager
Band 7
Staff Nurse
Band 8A
Advanced Practitioner
Band 8A
Modern Matron
Band 8A
Nurse - Advanced Practitioner
Band 8A
Nurse Consultant
Band 8A
Specialist Nurse Practitioner
Band 8A
Trainee Advanced Practitioner
Band 8B
Advanced Practitioner
Band 8B
Midwife - Manager
Band 8C
Nurse Manager
Band 8D
Nurse Manager
Non AfC
Advanced Practitioner
Non AfC
Community Nurse
12. Please confirm your current doctor’s vacancy rate by grade and speciality across your trust
Vacant FTE
Non AfC
Associate Specialist (Closed to new entrants)
Non AfC
Clinical Assistant (Closed to new entrants)
Non AfC
Non AfC
Foundation Year 1
Non AfC
General Medical Practitioner
Non AfC
GP Locum
Non AfC
13. Do you have a central recruitment team or an international recruitment lead?
We have a head of recruitment.
14. Please provide the contact name of the person in charge of all medical recruitment in relation to permanent/fixed-term/international recruitment?
Head of Medical Staffing
15. Please provide the contact name of the person in charge of all nursing recruitment in relation to permanent/international recruitment?
Director of Nursing
16. Please provide the contact name of the person in charge of your procurement department for dealing with permanent/international recruitment?
Lancashire Procurement Cluster